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Javascript hit counter for a website



I'm trying to code a hit counter for a website. As a preference, not required, I'm trying to use Javascript to do this. On the website's html file, I'm reading a number from a javascript file and outputting that. How can I make it "count" every time a hit occurs?

Sorry for such a vague question. Am I on the right track going about this? Any tips, code, or references will be much appreciated.


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Luke John Southard Avatar asked Jul 25 '12 19:07

Luke John Southard

1 Answers

Using Javascript you can only count the hits from the current user, because you have to save the count in a cookie or a client side technology.

For a more accurate way you have to use a server-side language and maybe add a storage engine like a database to make it work.

I suggest you start here Php for beginners the link might be old but it covers all the basics you need to know to create your counter.

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Ibu Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 22:10
