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JavaScript - Get calling object [duplicate]



Possible Duplicate:
Javascript how do you find the caller function?

Is there a way to get the value of this from the function which has called the current function?

Look at this:

function TraceMySelf(){
function A(){

var a = new A();

When this code is executed, the console displays first the window object and then the a object. How can I make the code display the a object twice, with only changing line 2? I know that I could apply the function inside A with this, but that isn't what I want.

Is this possible?

like image 313
Van Coding Avatar asked Mar 08 '11 21:03

Van Coding

1 Answers

I think this is the answer to your question: StackOverflow 280389

However, I think the right answer is "don't do that". I think it runs counter to how JavaScript is designed.

It might also be worth looking at jQuery Proxy for another way of linking function and object.

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JoshRivers Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 19:11
