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JavaScript: Get Argument Value and NAME of Passed Variable [duplicate]

People also ask

When function is called by passing a copy of the value of the arguments is called?

Pass-by-reference means to pass the reference of an argument in the calling function to the corresponding formal parameter of the called function. The called function can modify the value of the argument by using its reference passed in.

How can you get the type of arguments passed to a function in JavaScript?

Arguments are Passed by Value The parameters, in a function call, are the function's arguments. JavaScript arguments are passed by value: The function only gets to know the values, not the argument's locations. If a function changes an argument's value, it does not change the parameter's original value.

Does pass by value copy?

By definition, pass by value means you are making a copy in memory of the actual parameter's value that is passed in, a copy of the contents of the actual parameter. Use pass by value when when you are only "using" the parameter for some computation, not changing it for the client program.

Does JavaScript pass by reference or copy?

In Javascript objects and arrays are passed by reference.

The short answer is that you can't.

The longer, evil answer is that you sort of can with some real nastiness. And it only works when called from another function.

there are two interesting attributes available to you that could help

arguments.callee caller

for fn to do something like this:

  var showMe = function(s){
    alert(arguments.callee.caller.toString().match(/showMe\((\S)\)/)[1] + 
    ' = '+ s)
  x = 1

What arguments.callee.caller.toString().match(..)[1] does is look for the showMe being called in the function calling it and prints it and its value.

But this is still pretty limited because it will only hit the first call of showMe(x). So if there is two calls to it, it won't work.

But, it was fun to play with these arcane things.

Strategy 1:

If you can control the data structure during function invocation then you can pass a dictionary which will encode name as a key, paired with its value, notice the stealth curly braces:

var foo = "bar";

Which passes a javascript dictionary that looks like this:

{foo : "bar"}

When yourfunction( is executed, unpack name and value thustly:

yourfunction = function(dict) { 
    var name = Object.keys(dict)[0];
    var value = dict[name];
    console.log(name);        //prints foo
    console.log(value);       //prints bar

Strategy 2:

If you can maintain an as-you-go list of name-value pairs in a global scope, then reflection and introspection is always available for set and get, for example:

var my_global_stack = [];

yourfunction = function() { 

    //Chomp the stack
    var dict = my_global_stack.pop();

    //The name is the key at index 0
    var name = Object.keys(dict)[0];

    //Fetch the value by keyname:
    var value = dict[name];

    console.log(name);       //prints foo
    console.log(value);      //prints bar

foo = "bar";

Strategy 3:

If user-hostile input isn't an issue, you can use eval( to rediscover value given variablename, for example:

yourfunction = function(somevariable) { 
    console.log(somevariable);          //prints foo
    console.log(eval(somevariable));    //prints bar

foo = "bar";

People say eval( is evil here, because if a hostile user is able to overwrite the value of foo in memory at any point, then they can do OS Command Injection and run any command they want.

var x = "anything";

function showName(s) {
    alert(s + " = " + eval(s));


Not recommended, but there it is.

You could create a hash and pass that in:

var x = {a: 1,b:2}
function showVars(y) {
    for (var z in y) { alert(z + " is " + y[z]); }

This doesn't necessarily show the name of the variable, but it does allow for key-value pairs, which may be more to the point of what you need.

This is what I use for debugging. No global variables, no eval, no arguments.callee or arguments.caller:

var Helpers = (function () {
    // ECMAScript 5 strict mode
    'use strict';

    var Module = {};

    Module.debug = function () {
        var i;

        for (i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
            console.log(arguments[i] + ':', this[arguments[i]]);

    Module.SomeObject = function SomeObject() {
        this.someMember = 1;
        this.anotherMember = 'Whatever';

        Module.debug.call(this, 'someMember', 'anotherMember');

        var privateMember = {
            name: 'Rip Steakface',
            battleCry: 'Raaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhrrrrrrrrrg!'

        Module.debug.call(privateMember, 'name', 'battleCry');

    return Module;

For those who are wondering why you would want to do this, it's just a way to efficiently log multiple variables along with their names.

If you want to be able to log nested members, as in Module.debug.call(obj, 'hair.fluffiness'), you can modify the function like so:

Module.debug = function () {
    var i, j, props, tmp;

    for (i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
        tmp = this;
        props = arguments[i].split('.');

        for (j = 0; j < props.length; j++) {
            tmp = tmp[props[j]];

        console.log(arguments[i] + ':', tmp);

Unfortunately, I can't find any way to efficiently log multiple private variables that aren't members of an object, e.g. var roll = 3, value = 4; Module.debug.call(???);

Not sure you can directly get what you want from JavaScript, since the variable name is not carried around with the value it references (think of variable names as identifiers only the compiler knows about; but which get thrown away at runtime).

You can, however, do something slightly different which allows for passing around named arguments. Create an anonymous object and pass that to your function:

function showNames(o)
    for( var ix in o )
       alert( ix + ":" + o[ix] );

var z = { x : "Anything" }
showNames( z );
// or
showNames( { a : "ay", b : "bee", c: "see" } )

For iterating object properties, I tend to prefer a functional-style, as in:

Array.iteri = function(o, f)
    for(var i in o) { f(i, o[i]) }

function showNames(o)
    Array.iteri( o, function(i,v)
        alert( i + ": " + v )
showNames( { a : "ay", b : "bee", c: "see" } )

The below code is about the best you can do. Unfortunately local variables in a function are properties of the hidden Call Object so they can't be accessed from Javascript like window[a] where a is a property of the window object.

x = "this is x";
var say = function(a) {
    document.write(a + " = " + window[a]);

var wrapper = function () {
    var x = "this is x";
    document.write(x + " = " + eval("x"))