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javascript forEach - add addEventListener on all buttons

I'm not so skilled with javascript so I'm looking for a little help. I'm using a script found on Codrops (3D Grid Effect - http://tympanus.net/Development/3DGridEffect/).

All is working fine as expected but I'm trying to "modify" it for my needs.

Basically, I want to trigger the "effect" NOT clicking on the whole container but on a button placed inside it.

The structure I'm using is:

    <section class="grid3d vertical" id="grid3d">
        <div class="grid-wrap">
            <div class="grid">
                <div class="box"><div class="btn-click-me">Click to Show</div></div>
                <div class="box"><div class="btn-click-me">Click to Show</div></div>
                <div class="box"><div class="btn-click-me">Click to Show</div></div>

        <div class="content">
                <div class="dummy-img"></div>
                <p class="dummy-text">Some text</p>
                <p class="dummy-text">Some more text</p>
                <!-- ... -->
            <!-- ... -->
            <span class="loading"></span>
            <span class="icon close-content"></span>

            new grid3D( document.getElementById( 'grid3d' ) );

And the script (js) is

 * grid3d.js v1.0.0
 * http://www.codrops.com
 * Licensed under the MIT license.
 * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
 * Copyright 2014, Codrops
 * http://www.codrops.com
;( function( window ) {

    'use strict';

    function grid3D( el, options ) {
        this.el = el;
        this.options = extend( {}, this.options );
        extend( this.options, options );

    // any options you might want to configure
    grid3D.prototype.options = {};

    grid3D.prototype._init = function() {
        // grid wrapper
        this.gridWrap = this.el.querySelector( 'div.grid-wrap' );
        // grid element
        this.grid = this.gridWrap.querySelector( 'div.grid' );
        // main grid items
        this.gridItems = [].slice.call( this.grid.children );
        // default sizes for grid items
        this.itemSize = { width : this.gridItems[0].offsetWidth, height : this.gridItems[0].offsetHeight };
        // content
        this.contentEl = this.el.querySelector( 'div.content' );
        // content items
        this.contentItems = [].slice.call( this.contentEl.children );
        // close content cross
        this.close = this.contentEl.querySelector( 'span.close-content' );
        // loading indicator
        this.loader = this.contentEl.querySelector( 'span.loading' );
        // support: support for pointer events, transitions and 3d transforms
        this.support = support.pointerevents && support.csstransitions && support.csstransforms3d;
        // init events

    grid3D.prototype._initEvents = function() {
        var self = this;

        // open the content element when clicking on the main grid items
        this.gridItems.forEach( function( item, idx ) {
            item.addEventListener( 'click', function() {
                self._showContent( idx );
            } );
        } );

        // close the content element
        this.close.addEventListener( 'click', function() {
        } );

        if( this.support ) {
            // window resize
            window.addEventListener( 'resize', function() { self._resizeHandler(); } );

            // trick to prevent scrolling when animation is running (opening only)
            // this prevents that the back of the placeholder does not stay positioned in a wrong way
            window.addEventListener( 'scroll', function() {
                if ( self.isAnimating ) {
                    window.scrollTo( self.scrollPosition ? self.scrollPosition.x : 0, self.scrollPosition ? self.scrollPosition.y : 0 );
                else {
                    self.scrollPosition = { x : window.pageXOffset || docElem.scrollLeft, y : window.pageYOffset || docElem.scrollTop };
                    // change the grid perspective origin as we scroll the page

    // creates placeholder and animates it to fullscreen
    // in the end of the animation the content is shown
    // a loading indicator will appear for 1 second to simulate a loading period
    grid3D.prototype._showContent = function( pos ) {
        if( this.isAnimating ) {
            return false;
        this.isAnimating = true;

        var self = this,
            loadContent = function() {
                // simulating loading...
                setTimeout( function() {
                    // hide loader
                    classie.removeClass( self.loader, 'show' );
                    // in the end of the transition set class "show" to respective content item
                    classie.addClass( self.contentItems[ pos ], 'show' );
                }, 1000 );
                // show content area
                classie.addClass( self.contentEl, 'show' );
                // show loader
                classie.addClass( self.loader, 'show' );
                classie.addClass( document.body, 'noscroll' );
                self.isAnimating = false;

        // if no support just load the content (simple fallback - no animation at all)
        if( !this.support ) {
            return false;

        var currentItem = this.gridItems[ pos ],
            itemContent = currentItem.innerHTML;

        // create the placeholder
        this.placeholder = this._createPlaceholder(itemContent );

        // set the top and left of the placeholder to the top and left of the clicked grid item (relative to the grid)
        this.placeholder.style.left = currentItem.offsetLeft + 'px';
        this.placeholder.style.top = currentItem.offsetTop + 'px';

        // append placeholder to the grid
        this.grid.appendChild( this.placeholder );

        // and animate it
        var animFn = function() {
            // give class "active" to current grid item (hides it)
            classie.addClass( currentItem, 'active' );
            // add class "view-full" to the grid-wrap
            classie.addClass( self.gridWrap, 'view-full' );
            // set width/height/left/top of placeholder
            var onEndTransitionFn = function( ev ) {
                if( ev.propertyName.indexOf( 'transform' ) === -1 ) return false;
                this.removeEventListener( transEndEventName, onEndTransitionFn );
            self.placeholder.addEventListener( transEndEventName, onEndTransitionFn );

        setTimeout( animFn, 25 );

    grid3D.prototype._hideContent = function() {
        var self = this,
            contentItem = this.el.querySelector( 'div.content > .show' ),
            currentItem = this.gridItems[ this.contentItems.indexOf( contentItem ) ];

        classie.removeClass( contentItem, 'show' );
        classie.removeClass( this.contentEl, 'show' );
        // without the timeout there seems to be some problem in firefox
        setTimeout( function() { classie.removeClass( document.body, 'noscroll' ); }, 25 );
        // that's it for no support..
        if( !this.support ) return false;

        classie.removeClass( this.gridWrap, 'view-full' );

        // reset placeholder style values
        this.placeholder.style.left = currentItem.offsetLeft + 'px';
        this.placeholder.style.top = currentItem.offsetTop + 'px';
        this.placeholder.style.width = this.itemSize.width + 'px';
        this.placeholder.style.height = this.itemSize.height + 'px';

        var onEndPlaceholderTransFn = function( ev ) {
            this.removeEventListener( transEndEventName, onEndPlaceholderTransFn );
            // remove placeholder from grid
            self.placeholder.parentNode.removeChild( self.placeholder );
            // show grid item again
            classie.removeClass( currentItem, 'active' );
        this.placeholder.addEventListener( transEndEventName, onEndPlaceholderTransFn );

    // function to create the placeholder
    <div class="placeholder">
        <div class="front">[content]</div>
        <div class="back"></div>
    grid3D.prototype._createPlaceholder = function( content ) {
        var front = document.createElement( 'div' );
        front.className = 'front';
        front.innerHTML = content;
        var back = document.createElement( 'div' );
        back.className = 'back';
        back.innerHTML = '&nbsp;';
        var placeholder = document.createElement( 'div' );
        placeholder.className = 'placeholder';
        placeholder.appendChild( front );
        placeholder.appendChild( back );
        return placeholder;

    grid3D.prototype._scrollHandler = function() {
        var self = this;
        if( !this.didScroll ) {
            this.didScroll = true;
            setTimeout( function() { self._scrollPage(); }, 60 );

    // changes the grid perspective origin as we scroll the page
    grid3D.prototype._scrollPage = function() {
        var perspY = scrollY() + getViewportH() / 2;
        this.gridWrap.style.WebkitPerspectiveOrigin = '50% ' + perspY + 'px';
        this.gridWrap.style.MozPerspectiveOrigin = '50% ' + perspY + 'px';
        this.gridWrap.style.perspectiveOrigin = '50% ' + perspY + 'px';
        this.didScroll = false;

    grid3D.prototype._resizeHandler = function() {
        var self = this;
        function delayed() {
            self._resizeTimeout = null;
        if ( this._resizeTimeout ) {
            clearTimeout( this._resizeTimeout );
        this._resizeTimeout = setTimeout( delayed, 50 );

    grid3D.prototype._resizePlaceholder = function() {
        // need to recalculate all these values as the size of the window changes
        this.itemSize = { width : this.gridItems[0].offsetWidth, height : this.gridItems[0].offsetHeight };
        if( this.placeholder ) {
            // set the placeholders top to "0 - grid offsetTop" and left to "0 - grid offsetLeft"
            this.placeholder.style.left = Number( -1 * ( this.grid.offsetLeft - scrollX() ) ) + 'px';
            this.placeholder.style.top = Number( -1 * ( this.grid.offsetTop - scrollY() ) ) + 'px';
            // set the placeholders width to windows width and height to windows height
            this.placeholder.style.width = getViewportW() + 'px';
            this.placeholder.style.height = getViewportH() + 'px';

    // add to global namespace
    window.grid3D = grid3D;

})( window );

Now, I'm aware that the "crucial" portion of the code where I have to look is:

// open the content element when clicking on the main grid items this.gridItems.forEach( function(item, idx ) { item.addEventListener( 'click', function() { item._showContent( idx ); } ); } );

So, my question again: how to trigger the event when the div (button) class "click-me" is clicked on every "boxes"?

Thanks to all in advance (i'm struggling with it for hours...)

like image 906
David Madhatter Avatar asked Jan 14 '15 15:01

David Madhatter

People also ask

How do I add multiple functions in addEventListener?

We can invoke multiple functions on a single event listener without overwriting each other. To do this we simply call the addEventListener() method more than once with a different function. In the example above, we add another event listener for the same event on the same button.

Can we use addEventListener to bind multiple listeners to a node in Dom?

The addEventListener() methodYou can add many event handlers of the same type to one element, i.e two "click" events. You can add event listeners to any DOM object not only HTML elements. i.e the window object.

1 Answers

Have a look at the example here,


I have added some intialisation to get your particular classes

    // get grid buttons and then make an iterable array out of them        
    this.gridButtons = this.el.querySelectorAll('button.btn-click-me');
    this.gridButtonItems = [].slice.call(this.gridButtons);

and changed the function which iterates and adds a listener.

    // open the content element when clicking on the buttonsItems
    this.gridButtonItems.forEach(function (item, idx) {
        item.addEventListener('click', function () {
like image 108
Rob Schmuecker Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09

Rob Schmuecker