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javascript find deeply nested objects

I need to filter objects recursively in a deeply nested array of objects using javascript, maybe with the help of lodash. What is the cleanest way to do it, If I don't know how many nested object there will be in my array?

Let's say I have the following structure

    label: "first",
    id: 1,
    children: []
    label: "second",
    id: 2,
    children: [
        label: "third",
        id: 3,
        children: [
            label: "fifth",
            id: 5,
            children: []
            label: "sixth",
            id: 6,
            children: [
                label: "seventh",
                id: 7,
                children: []
        label: "fourth",
        id: 4,
        children: []

I want to find the one with id 6, and if it has children return true otherwise false.

Of course If I have a similar data structure but with different number of items it should work too.

like image 861
ewool Avatar asked Nov 19 '18 20:11


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2 Answers

Since you only want a true of false answer you can use some() on the recursion, effectively doing a depth-first search, and make it pretty succinct:

let arr = [{label: "first",id: 1,children: []},{label: "second",id: 2,children: [{label: "third",id: 3,children: [{label: "fifth",id: 5,children: []},{label: "sixth",id: 6,children: [{label: "seventh",id: 7,children: []}]}]},{label: "fourth",id: 4,children: []}]}];

function findNested(arr, id) {
    let found = arr.find(node => node.id === id)
    return found 
      ? found.children.length > 0 
      : arr.some((c) => findNested(c.children, id))


console.log(findNested(arr, 6))  // True: found with children
console.log(findNested(arr, 7))  // False: found no children
console.log(findNested(arr, 97)) // False: not found
like image 60
Mark Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 04:10


Perhaps a recursive solution along the lines of this might work for you? Here, the node with supplied id is recursively searched for through the 'children' of the supplied input data. If a child node with matching id is found, a boolean result is returned based on the existence of data in that nodes children array:

function nodeWithIdHasChildren(children, id) {
  for(const child of children) {

    // If this child node matches supplied id, then check to see if
    // it has data in it's children array and return true/false accordinly
    if(child.id === id) {
      if(Array.isArray(child.children) && child.children.length > 0) {
        return true
      else {
        return false
    else {
      const result = nodeWithIdHasChildren(child.children, id);

      // If result returned from this recursion branch is not undefined
      // then assume it's true or false from a node matching the supplied
      // id. Pass the return result up the call stack
      if(result !== undefined) {
        return result

const data = [
    label: "first",
    id: 1,
    children: []
    label: "second",
    id: 2,
    children: [
        label: "third",
        id: 3,
        children: [
            label: "fifth",
            id: 5,
            children: []
            label: "sixth",
            id: 6,
            children: [
                label: "seventh",
                id: 7,
                children: []
        label: "fourth",
        id: 4,
        children: []

console.log('node 6 has children:', nodeWithIdHasChildren( data, 6 ) )

console.log('node 7 has children:', nodeWithIdHasChildren( data, 7 ) )

console.log('node 100 has children:', nodeWithIdHasChildren( data, 7 ), '(because node 100 does not exist)' )
like image 26
Dacre Denny Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 03:10

Dacre Denny