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Javascript FileReader onload not firing


I haven't used JavaScript in a while and I can't seem to read a text file and display the contents.

I've tried onload as well as onloadend. If I just put reader.onload = alert('Hello'); the alert fires, but I can't get anything to work with the function.

Not exactly sure where to go from here. I've tried defining the function after reader.onload = function(evt)... but that doesn't work.

I've tried in Safari 6.0.5 and Chrome as well.

<!DOCTYPE HTML>                                                                    
    <title>Pi to Colors</title>                                                
function readFile() {                                                       
    var reader = new FileReader();                                             
    reader.onload = readSuccess;                                            
    function readSuccess(evt) {                                             
        var field = document.getElementById('main');                        
        field.innerHTML = evt.target.result;                                
<div id="main">                                                                

like image 448
Cody B Avatar asked Aug 30 '13 23:08

Cody B

1 Answers

You can't grab a local file like that for security reasons.

Another underlying problem is that readAsText (and all the read functions) need the file's content and not its file path/name. You can grab this from the files collection of the input type="file" element. Here is how your code could work:

function readFile(file) {                                                       
    var reader = new FileReader();
    reader.onload = readSuccess;                                            
    function readSuccess(evt) { 
        var field = document.getElementById('main');                        
        field.innerHTML = evt.target.result;                                

document.getElementById('selectedFile').onchange = function(e) {

Here is the jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/fstreamz/ngXBV/1/

Note: this code not work in safari browser

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LUKE Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 01:09