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JavaScript error (Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input)

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What does unexpected end of input mean in JavaScript?

Usually the Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input error in JavaScript occurs due to missing parentheses, bracket, or quote. However, it can also happen when we try to parse an empty JSON. It could be that the extension that you are using is trying to run a javascript code where either of the above is true.

How do you fix uncaught SyntaxError unexpected end of JSON input?

You can solve the "Unexpected end of JSON input" error in the following 3 ways: wrap your parsing logic in a try/catch block. make sure to return a valid JSON response from your server. remove the parsing logic from your code if you are expecting an empty server response.

Add a second });.

When properly indented, your code reads

$(function() {
    $("#mewlyDiagnosed").hover(function() {
        $("#mewlyDiagnosed").animate({'height': '237px', 'top': "-75px"});
    }, function() {
        $("#mewlyDiagnosed").animate({'height': '162px', 'top': "0px"});

You never closed the outer $(function() {.

In my case, I was trying to parse an empty JSON:


In other words, what happened was the following:


http://jsbeautifier.org/ is helpful to indent your minified JS code.

Also, with Google Chrome you can use "pretty print". See the example screenshot below showing jquery.min.js from Stack Overflow nicely indented right from my browser :)

enter image description here

Formatting your code a bit, you have only closed the inner hover function. You have not closed the outer parts, marked below:

$(// missing closing)
 function() { // missing closing }
        function() {
            $("#mewlyDiagnosed").animate({'height': '237px', 'top': "-75px"});
        function() {
            $("#mewlyDiagnosed").animate({'height': '162px', 'top': "0px"});

In my case, it ended up being a simple double quote issue in my bookmarklet, remember only use single quotes on bookmarklets. Just in case this helps someone.