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Javascript error stops code execution

Whenever an error occurs inside an event handler, it stops code execution entirely so the second event callback isn't called.

For example:

$(function() {
$(function() {
    //Do something unharmful and unrelated to the first event

You can easily solve the problem in this (simplified) example by adding try/catch in both anonymous functions, but in reality these functions often add several other event handlers which in turn would require try/catch. I end up with very repetitive code stuffed with try/catch blocks.

My projects has a modular design where each feature is in a different JS (and gets concatenated during a build process). I'm looking for a more generic way to handle errors inside each feature so that the error doesn't stop code execution of the other features.

I already tried following solutions: - window.onerror (even if you return true in this function, code execution is stopped) - $(window).error() => deprecated and code execution stops

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Webberig Avatar asked May 24 '13 07:05


1 Answers

You could create a helper function to prevent duplication of the same boilerplate code.

function tryFunction(f, onerror) {
    try {
        if (typeof f == 'function') {
            return f();
    } catch (e) {
        return onerror(e);

$(function() {
    var result = tryFunction(window.thisDoesNotExist, function (error) {
        alert('Whoops: ' + error);

I created a little demonstration. It's slightly different but the same idea.

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Bart Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 01:11
