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Javascript equivalent for curl command

I am using below curl command to get the data from Druid cluster hosted on remote server, in the json format

curl -X POST "http://www.myserverIP.com:8080/druid/v2/" -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{"queryType": "groupBy","dataSource": "twsample","granularity": "none","dimensions": ["created_at"],"aggregations": [{"type": "count", "name": "tweetcount"}],"intervals": ["2013-08-06T11:30:00.000Z/2020-08-07T11:40:00.000Z"]}'

but I am not able create an equivalent javascript method which will do the same thing, I am using below code to do this.

function sendCurlRequest(){
    var json_data = {
                "queryType": "groupBy",
                "dataSource": "twsample",
                "granularity": "none",
                "dimensions": ["created_at"],
                "aggregations": [
                    {"type": "count", "name": "tweetcount"}
              "intervals": ["2013-08-06T11:30:00.000Z/2020-08-07T11:40:00.000Z"]
         cache : false,       
     type: 'POST',
     url: 'http://www.myserverIP:8080/druid/v2/',
     //dataType: "jsonp",
     success: function(data){
        var pubResults = data;       
     error: function(data){
       alert("ERROR RESPONSE FROM DRUID SERVER : "+JSON.stringify(data));
     complete: function(data){
        console.log("call completed");

Any help will be appreciated.

like image 324
amol-jore Avatar asked Aug 27 '13 18:08


People also ask

What is curl command JavaScript?

Curl is a popular command line tool often used for making HTTP requests. Curl supports a wide variety of other protocols, but, as a Node. js developer, you'll most likely use it to make HTTP requests to RESTful APIs.

Can I run curl in JavaScript?

To perform a curl request in JavaScript, we can use the fetch function. We call fetch with the URL we want to make the request to to make a GET request. Then we call res. json to convert the response body object to JSON.

Can I use curl in NodeJS?

Curl is a way you can hit a URL from your code to get an HTML response from it. In NodeJS/ExpressJS we use “request” module for this purpose. In Simple Words, if we want to access HTML content of any site we pass that URL to request( ) and it returns the HTML source code.

How do you request a curl?

To make a GET request using Curl, run the curl command followed by the target URL. Curl automatically selects the HTTP GET request method unless you use the -X, --request, or -d command-line option.

1 Answers

cURL is able to send and receive data cross domain to remote servers but that is not the case with javascript for security reasons

Your options I believe are

1) Use CORS to set headers on the remote server to accept cross domain calls (if you have access to the Server) as also pointed by thriqon

2) Use jsonP format response from the server(again if you have control over how the response is generated or if its already in jsonP format)

3) Write a server-side proxy that acts as the intermediary between your calls and the remote server. You can then format the header or response on the proxy to enable it to respond to cross domain calls

like image 62
PJR Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 17:11