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JavaScript equality transitivity is weird

I've been reading Douglas Crockford's JavaScript: The Good Parts, and I came across this weird example that doesn't make sense to me:

'' == '0'           // false 0 == ''             // true 0 == '0'            // true  false == undefined  // false false == null       // false null == undefined   // true 

The author also goes on to mention "to never use == and !=. Instead, always use === and !==". However, he doesn't explain why the above behavior is exhibited? So my question is, why are the above results as they are? Isn't transitivity considered in JavaScript?

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Hristo Avatar asked Mar 27 '11 04:03


People also ask

Should you ever use == in JavaScript?

Short answer: never. This post looks at five possible exemptions from the rule to always use === and explains why they aren't. JavaScript has two operators for determining whether two values are equal [1]: The strict equality operator === only considers values equal that have the same type.

Why does JavaScript use === instead of ==?

Use === if you want to compare couple of things in JavaScript, it's called strict equality, it means this will return true if only both type and value are the same, so there wouldn't be any unwanted type correction for you, if you using == , you basically don't care about the type and in many cases you could face ...

Which is faster == or === in JavaScript?

So === faster than == in Javascript === compares if the values and the types are the same. == compares if the values are the same, but it also does type conversions in the comparison. Those type conversions make == slower than ===.

What is === in JavaScript?

The strict equality operator ( === ) checks whether its two operands are equal, returning a Boolean result. Unlike the equality operator, the strict equality operator always considers operands of different types to be different.

2 Answers

'' == '0' // false 

The left hand side is an empty string, and the right hand side is a string with one character. They are false because it is making a comparison between two un identical strings (thanks Niall).

0 == '' // true 

Hence, why this one is true, because 0 is falsy and the empty string is falsy.

0 == '0' // true 

This one is a bit trickier. The spec states that if the operands are a string and a number, then coerce the string to number. '0' becomes 0. Thanks smfoote.

false == undefined // false 

The value undefined is special in JavaScript and is not equal to anything else except null. However, it is falsy.

false == null // false 

Again, null is special. It is only equal to undefined. It is also falsy.

null == undefined // true 

null and undefined are similar, but not the same. null means nothing, whilst undefined is the value for a variable not set or not existing. It would kind of make sense that their values would be considered equal.

If you want to be really confused, check this...

'\n\r\t' == 0 

A string consisting only of whitespace is considered equal to 0.

Douglas Crockford makes a lot of recommendations, but you don't have to take them as gospel. :)

T.J. Crowder makes an excellent suggestion of studying the ECMAScript Language Specification to know the whole story behind these equality tests.

Further Reading?

The spec.

yolpo (on falsy values)

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alex Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09


The answer to this question has to do with how JavaScript handles coercion. In the case of ==, strings are coerced to be numbers. Therefore:

'' == '0' is equivalent to '' === '0' (both are strings, so no coercion is necessary).

0 == '' is equivalent to 0 === 0 because the string '' becomes the number 0 (math.abs('') === 0).

0 == '0' is equivalent to 0 === 0 for the same reason.

false == undefined is equivalent to 0 === undefined because JavaScript coerces booleans to be numbers when types don't match

false == null is equivalent to 0 === null for the same reason.

null == undefined is true because the spec says so.

Thanks for asking this question. My understanding of == is much better for having researched it.

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smfoote Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09
