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Javascript - dumping all global variables

Is there a way in Javascript to get a list or dump the contents of all global variables declared by Javascript/jQuery script on a page? I am particularly interested in arrays. If I can get the array names, it will be enough to me. Seeing its values is a bonus.

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Duck Avatar asked Dec 03 '11 17:12


People also ask

Why global variables are bad in JavaScript?

This is because global variables are easily overwritten by other scripts. Global Variables are not bad and not even a security concern, but it shouldn't overwrite values of another variable. On the usage of more global variables in our code, it may lead to a maintenance issue.

Are global variables OK in JavaScript?

Avoid globals. Global variables and function names are an incredibly bad idea. The reason is that every JavaScript file included in the page runs in the same scope.

How do I see all global variables?

Use the env command. The env command returns a list of all global variables that have been defined.

2 Answers

Object.keys( window ); 

This will give you an Array of all enumerable properties of the window object, (which are global variables).

For older browsers, include the compatibility patch from MDN.

To see its values, then clearly you'll just want a typical enumerator, like for-in.

You should note that I mentioned that these methods will only give you enumerable properties. Typically those will be ones that are not built-in by the environment.

It is possible to add non-enumerable properties in ES5 supported browsers. These will not be included in Object.keys, or when using a for-in statement.

As noted by @Raynos, you can Object.getOwnPropertyNames( window ) for non-enumerables. I didn't know that. Thanks @Raynos!

So to see the values that include enumerables, you'd want to do this:

var keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames( window ),     value;  for( var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i ) {     value = window[ keys[ i ] ];     console.log( value ); } 
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RightSaidFred Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 19:10


The following function only dumps global variables that have been added to the window object:

(function(){     //noprotect <- this comment prevents jsbin interference     var windowProps = function() {         // debugger;         var result = {};         for (var key in window) {             if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(window, key)) {                 if ((key|0) !== parseInt(key,10)) {                     result[key] = 1;                 }             }         }         window.usedVars = result;     };      var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');     iframe.style.display = 'none';     iframe.src = 'about:blank';      document.body.appendChild(iframe);     var fwin = iframe.contentWindow;     var fdoc = fwin.document;     fdoc.open('text/html','replace');     fdoc.write('<!DOCTYPE html><body><script>window.onload = ' + windowProps.toString() + '<\u002Fscript>');     fdoc.close();      var button = document.createElement('input');     button.type = 'button';     button.value = 'go';     document.body.appendChild(button);     button.onclick = function() {         var clean = fwin.usedVars;         windowProps();         var dirty = window.usedVars;         for (var key in clean) {             delete dirty[key];         }         for (var variable in dirty) {             var div = document.createElement('div');             div.textContent = variable;             document.body.appendChild(div);              }         document.body.removeChild(button);         document.body.removeChild(iframe);     }; })(); 

It works by using an iframe to get a clean list of global window variables, then comparing that with the list of global variables in the current window. It uses a button because the iframe runs asynchronously. The code uses a global variable because that makes the code easier to understand.

You can see it working here or here, although note that these examples show many global variables "leaked" by jsbin itself (different depending on which link you use).

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robocat Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 17:10
