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JavaScript: document.getElementById slow performance?


I repetitively use document.getElementById a lot on common CSS elements.

Would there be a significant performance gain if I created a global array to store all of my document.getElementById element in instead of refetching the element each time?

Example, instead of:

document.getElementById("desc").setAttribute("href", "#");
document.getElementById("desc").onclick = function() {...};
document.getElementById("desc").style.textDecoration = "none"
document.getElementById("asc").setAttribute("href", "#");
document.getElementById("asc").onclick = function() {...};
document.getElementById("asc").style.textDecoration = "none"

To simply do:

var GlobalElementId = [];
GlobalElementId ["desc"] = document.getElementById("desc");
GlobalElementId ["asc"] = document.getElementById("asc");
GlobalElementId [...] = document.getElementById(...);

GlobalElementId ["desc"].setAttribute("href", "#");
GlobalElementId ["desc"].onclick = function() {...};
GlobalElementId ["desc"].style.textDecoration = "none"
like image 643
TeddyH Avatar asked Nov 11 '09 16:11


People also ask

Is document getElementById slow?

In words: Calling document. getElementById() is very fast.

Is getElementById fast?

getElementById is very fast and you shouldn't have to worry about performance.

Is document getElementById faster than querySelector?

getElementById() can run about 15 million operations a second, compared to just 7 million per second for querySelector() in the latest version of Chrome. But that also means that querySelector() runs 7,000 operations a millisecond.

Is document getElementById faster than jQuery?

The document. getElementbyId( "myId") is faster because its direct call to JavaScript engine. jQuery is a wrapper that normalizes DOM manipulation in a way that works consistently in every major browser.

2 Answers

So all the "yes" answers were bugging me, so I actually timed this to see if getElementById was slow!

Here are the results (for a page with 10,000 elements on it):

IE8 getElementById: 0.4844 ms
IE8 id array lookup: 0.0062 ms

Chrome getElementById: 0.0039 ms
Chrome id array lookup: 0.0006 ms

Firefox 3.5 was comparable to chrome.

Half a millisecond per function call isn't going to get me to use an array ;) But maybe it's worse on IE6, which I don't have installed.

Here's my script:

<script type="text/javascript">
    var numEles = 10000;
    var idx = {};

    function test(){
        var t0 = (new Date()).getTime();
        var x = selectElementsById();
        var t1 = (new Date()).getTime();
        var time = t1 - t0;
        var t2 = (new Date()).getTime();
        var x = selectElementsWithIndex();
        var t3 = (new Date()).getTime();
        var idxTime = t3 - t2;

        var msg = "getElementById time = " + (time / numEles) + " ms (for one call)\n"
            + "Index Time = " + (idxTime/ numEles) + " ms (for one call)";

    function generateElements(){
        var d = document.getElementById("mainDiv");
        var str = [];
       for(var i=0;i<numEles;i++){
           str.push("<div id='d_" + i + "' >" + i + "</div>");
        d.innerHTML = str.join('');

    function selectElementsById(){
        var eles = [];
        for(var i=0;i<numEles;i++){
            var id = ((i * 99) % numEles);
            eles.push(document.getElementById("d_" + id));
        return eles;

    function generateIndex(){
        for(var i=0;i<numEles;i++){
            var id = "d_" + i;
           idx[id] = document.getElementById(id);

    function selectElementsWithIndex(){
        var eles = [];
        for(var i=0;i<numEles;i++){
            var id = ((i * 99) % numEles);
            eles.push(idx["d_" + id]);
        return eles;
<body onload="javascript:test();" >
<div id="mainDiv" />
like image 94
Mike Blandford Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 21:10

Mike Blandford

Since you say "CSS elements" I suspect that a lot of your slow performance is not because of repetitive use of document.getElementById() (which you should avoid anyway) but rather how many times you modify the style object for a given node.

Every single time you change a property on style you force the browser to re-draw that element and possibly many others on the page.

var elem = document.getElementById( 'desc' );
elem.style.textDecoration = "none"; // browser re-draw
elem.style.borderWidth    = "2px";  // browser re-draw
elem.style.paddingBottom  = "5px";  // browser re-draw

Here, the better solution is to use CSS classes and switch or add/remove the class name from the node. This lets you pack in as many style changes you want at the cost of only a single re-draw.

var elem = document.getElementById( 'desc' );
elem.className = "whatever"; // Only one browser re-draw!
like image 34
Peter Bailey Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 20:10

Peter Bailey