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Javascript: Detect Carets Parent Node

I'm building a simple WYSIWYG editor inside an iframe with designMode on , currently I can make the selected text bold, italic and underline and to link, and they work fine.

But I would like to know when the caret is inside the b, i, u, a, tags, so I can notify the user that the current selection is bold or whatever.


Hello <b>Stackover|flow</b> is cool! = You are Inside the b tag

<i>Be|st place</i>! = You are Inside the i tag

Hello <a href="http://stackoverflow.com/">Go|od stuff!</a> = You are Inside the a tag

No libraries please I would like to learn this stuff :)

like image 842
Adam Halasz Avatar asked Feb 06 '11 14:02

Adam Halasz

1 Answers

MSIE lte 8: TextRange.parentElement()

Others: DOMRange.commonAncestorContainer

<script type="text/javascript">
function fx()

  var target=null;
  else if(document.selection)
    var target=document.selection.createRange().parentElement();
  return target;
<input type="button" onclick="alert(fx().tagName)" value="click">
<div id="editor" contenteditable="true">
Hello <b>Stackoverflow</b> is cool! <i>Best place</i>
Hello <a href="http://stackoverflow.com/">Good stuff!</a>
like image 107
Dr.Molle Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 02:10
