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Javascript: Counting number of vowels in a string



I am trying to count the number of vowels in a string, but my counter does not seem to be returning more than one. Can someone please tell me what is wrong with my code? Thanks!

var vowelCount = function(str){
  var count = 0;
  for(var i = 0; i < str.length; i++){
    if(str[i] == 'a' || str[i] == 'i' || str[i] == 'o' ||str[i] == 'e' ||str[i] == 'u'){
  return count;
like image 607
Colin Sygiel Avatar asked Feb 23 '17 05:02

Colin Sygiel

People also ask

How do you calculate the number of vowels and consonants in a string JavaScript?

So take a look at this one: var userData = prompt("Enter any text here"). toLowerCase(); var a = 0; var e = 0; var i = 0; var o = 0; var u = 0; var consonants = 0; var count; for (count = 0; count < userData.

How many vowels are there in JavaScript?

JavaScript contains 3 vowels.

2 Answers

return count outside of for loop, or use RegExp /[^aeiou]/ig as first parameter to .replace() with "" as replacement string, get .legnth of string returned by .replace()

vowelLength = "aide".replace(/[^aeiou]/ig, "").length;


vowelLength = "gggg".replace(/[^aeiou]/ig, "").length;


RegExp description

Character set

[^xyz] A negated or complemented character set. That is, it matches anything that is not enclosed in the brackets.


i ignore case

g global match; find all matches rather than stopping after the first match

Using spread element, Array.prototype.reduce(), String.prototype.indexOf() or String.prototype.contains() where supported

const v = "aeiouAEIOU";

var vowelLength = [..."aide"].reduce((n, c) => v.indexOf(c) > -1 ? ++n : n, 0);


var vowelLength = [..."gggg"].reduce((n, c) => v.indexOf(c) > -1 ? ++n : n, 0);


Alternatively, instead of creating a new string or new array to get .length property or iterate characters of string, you can use for..of loop, RegExp.prototype.test with RegExp /[aeiou]/i to increment a variable initially set to 0 if .test() evaluates to true for the character passed.

var [re, vowelLength] = [/[aeiou]/i, 0]; 

for (let c of "aide") re.test(c) && ++vowelLength;


vowelLength = 0;

for (let c of "gggg") re.test(c) && ++vowelLength;

like image 142
guest271314 Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09


You need to also do this. use toLowerCase() also

 var vowelCount = function(str){
  var count = 0;
  for(var i = 0; i < str.length; i++){
    if(str[i].toLowerCase() == 'a' || str[i].toLowerCase() == 'i' || str[i].toLowerCase() == 'o' ||str[i].toLowerCase() == 'e' ||str[i].toLowerCase() == 'u'){
 return count;
like image 22
Darshak Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09
