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JavaScript check if time ranges overlap



I have e.g. an array with 2 objects (myObject1 and myObject2 like ). Now when I add an third object I will check if time range overlaps. Actually I don't know how I can do this in a performant way.

var myObjectArray = [];

var myObject1 = {};
myObject1.startTime = '08:00';
myObject1.endTime = '12:30';

var myObject2 = {};
myObject2.startTime = '11:20';
myObject2.endTime = '18:30';

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quma Avatar asked Mar 15 '16 12:03


3 Answers

You can try something like this:

var timeList = [];

function addTime() {
  var startTime = document.getElementById("startTime").value;
  var endTime = document.getElementById("endTime").value;

  if (validate(startTime, endTime)){
      startTime: startTime,
      endTime: endTime
    document.getElementById("error").innerHTML = "";
    document.getElementById("error").innerHTML = "Please select valid time";

function validate(sTime, eTime) {
  if (+getDate(sTime) < +getDate(eTime)) {
    var len = timeList.length;
    return len>0?(+getDate(timeList[len - 1].endTime) < +getDate(sTime) ):true;
  } else {
    return false;

function getDate(time) {
  var today = new Date();
  var _t = time.split(":");
  today.setHours(_t[0], _t[1], 0, 0);
  return today;
function print(data){
  document.getElementById("content").innerHTML = "<pre>" + JSON.stringify(data, 0, 4) + "</pre>";
<input type="text" id="startTime" />
<input type="text" id="endTime" />
<button onclick="addTime()">Add Time</button>
<p id="error"></p>

<div id="content"></div>
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Rajesh Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 21:10


Let assume we have some intervals

const INTERVALS = [
  ['14:00', '15:00'],
  ['08:00', '12:30'],
  ['12:35', '12:36'],
  ['13:35', '13:50'],

If we want to add new interval to this list we should check if new interval is not overlapping with some of them.

You can loop trough intervals and check if the new one is overlapping with others. Note that when comparing intervals you do not need Date object if you are sure it is the same day as you can convert time to number:

function convertTimeToNumber(time) {
  const hours = Number(time.split(':')[0]);
  const minutes = Number(time.split(':')[1]) / 60;
  return hours + minutes;

There are two cases where intervals are NOT overlapping:

  1. Before (a < c && a < d) && (b < c && b <d):
a          b
             c          d
  1. After where (a > c && a > d) && (b > c && b > d):
             a          b
c          d

Because always c < d, it is enough to say that condition for NOT overlapping intervals is (a < c && b < c) || (a > d && b > d) and because always a < b, it is enough to say that this condition is equivalent to:

b < c || a > d

Negation of this condition should give us a condition for overlapping intervals. Base on De Morgan's laws it is:

b >= c && a <= d

Note that in both cases, intervals can not "touch" each other which means 5:00-8:00 and 8:00-9:00 will overlap. If you want to allow it the condition should be:

b > c && a < d

There are at least 5 situation of overlapping intervals to consider:

a          b
      c          d
      a          b
c          d
      a          b
c                    d
a                    b
      c          d
a          b
c          d

Full code with extra add and sort intervals functions is below:

    const INTERVALS = [
      ['14:00', '15:00'],
      ['08:00', '12:30'],
      ['12:35', '12:36'],
      ['13:35', '13:50'],

    function convertTimeToNumber(time) {
      const hours = Number(time.split(':')[0]);
      const minutes = Number(time.split(':')[1]) / 60;
      return hours + minutes;

    // assuming current intervals do not overlap
    function sortIntervals(intervals) {
      return intervals.sort((intA, intB) => {
        const startA = convertTimeToNumber(intA[0]);
        const endA = convertTimeToNumber(intA[1]);

        const startB = convertTimeToNumber(intB[0]);
        const endB = convertTimeToNumber(intB[1]);

        if (startA > endB) {
          return 1

        if (startB > endA) {
          return -1

        return 0;

    function isOverlapping(intervals, newInterval) {
      const a = convertTimeToNumber(newInterval[0]);
      const b = convertTimeToNumber(newInterval[1]);

      for (const interval of intervals) {
        const c = convertTimeToNumber(interval[0]);
        const d = convertTimeToNumber(interval[1]);

        if (a < d && b > c) {
          console.log('This one overlap: ', newInterval);
          console.log('with interval: ', interval);
          return true;

      return false;

    function isGoodInterval(interval) {
      let good = false;

      if (interval.length === 2) {
        // If you want you can also do extra check if this is the same day
        const start = convertTimeToNumber(interval[0]);
        const end = convertTimeToNumber(interval[1]);

        if (start < end) {
          good = true;

      return good;

    function addInterval(interval) {
      if (!isGoodInterval(interval)) {
        console.log('This is not an interval');

      if (!isOverlapping(INTERVALS, interval)) {

        // you may also want to keep those intervals sorted
        const sortedIntervals = sortIntervals(INTERVALS);
        console.log('Sorted intervals', sortedIntervals);

    // --------------------------------------
    const goodIntervals = [
      ['05:31', '06:32'],
      ['16:00', '17:00'],
      ['12:31', '12:34']

    let goodCount = 0;
    for (const goodInterval of goodIntervals) {
      if (!isOverlapping(INTERVALS, goodInterval)) {
        goodCount += 1

    console.log('Check good intervals: ', goodCount === goodIntervals.length);

    // --------------------------------------
    const ovelappingIntervals = [
      ['09:30', '12:40'],
      ['05:36', '08:50'],
      ['13:36', '13:37'],
      ['06:00', '20:00'],
      ['14:00', '15:00']

    let badCount = 0;
    for (const badInterval of ovelappingIntervals) {
      if (isOverlapping(INTERVALS, badInterval)) {
        badCount += 1

    console.log('Check bad intervals: ', badCount === ovelappingIntervals.length);

    // --------------------------------------
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Konrad Grzyb Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 21:10

Konrad Grzyb

Use moment-js with moment-range (broken reference)

Tested example:

const range1 = moment.range(a, c);
const range2 = moment.range(b, d);
range1.overlaps(range2); // true

See more examples in https://github.com/rotaready/moment-range#overlaps

Note, for the above code to work maybe you first do:

<script src="moment.js"></script>
<script src="moment-range.js"></script>


HTML code

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.12.0/moment.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment-range/2.2.0/moment-range.min.js"></script>

JavaScript code

var range  = moment.range(new Date(year, month, day, hours, minutes), new Date(year, month, day, hours, minutes));
var range2 = moment.range(new Date(year, month, day, hours, minutes), new Date(year, month, day, hours, minutes));
range.overlaps(range2); // true or flase

Pretty neat solution and momentjs comes with tons of date and time utilities.

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Daniel Wardin Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 22:10

Daniel Wardin