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JavaScript check if browser extension is installed for Chrome, Firefox and Opera

I want to show custom bar ( notification like: Install our plugin. ) on our site if extension is not installed for Chrome, Firefox and Opera. None will be displayed if extension is installed.

The idea is:
1. User visits our site and a bar with message appears - "Hey, install our extensions".
2. User clicks on install and extension is installed. No need for the user to open it.
3. User visit our site again and the bar does not appear again as the extension is installed.
We talk only for installation check, not cookies.

So far I was able to find solutions only for Chrome: http://blog.kotowicz.net/2012/02/intro-to-chrome-addons-hacking.html
and Firefox: http://webdevwonders.com/detecting-firefox-add-ons/
Opera is never mentioned.

Is there a way to do it for Opera, based on the idea of checking for a local resource which is part of the extension:
chrome-extension://--Extension ID--/blank.gif
Firefox chrome://firebug/content/blank.gif

Or else: Is there a simple way to check if extension is installed for Chrome, Firefox and Opera?

like image 950
user1990249 Avatar asked Jan 18 '13 12:01


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1 Answers

If the extension is willing to cooperate, it could advertise its presence to the document easily. For example:

The extension could do

window.$$myExt = ...

Then you can detect the extension by

if(typeOf $$myExt !== 'undefined'){...

(or any variation thereof)

Obtaining the page window is somewhat tricky at least

The extension could do


Then you could detect the extension by


The extension could do

document.body.innerHTML += "<div id='myExt-toolbar'>..."
// or $('body').append("<div id='myExt-toolbar'>...");

then you could detect the extension by

// or if($("#myExt-toolbar").length){...

alternatively, you could do

<div id="myExt-replacement">

and the extension would do

var replacement = document.getElementByID("myExt-replacement");
replacement && replacement.remove();

or you could do

function onMyExtExists(){

and the extension would do

onMyExtExists && onMyExtExists();
like image 83
John Dvorak Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 11:10

John Dvorak