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JavaScript advantage by placing functions inside variables?

I have seen recent code examples placing functions inside variables and then calling the functions like normal.

As in:

var myFunctionName = function() {
    Code Here...


I'm sure there are a lot of advantages with more advanced scenarios, but I'm just curious.

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Qcom Avatar asked Feb 16 '11 23:02


People also ask

Can you put a function inside a variable JavaScript?

Answer 5088a9965f487802000023df. we put the function in a variable if inside the function block we use the return method: var multiplyTwo = function (a) { return a * 2; }; if we simply call this function, nothing will be printed, although nothing is wrong with the writing of the function itself.

What is the point of nested function in JavaScript?

JavaScript allows for the nesting of functions and grants the inner function full access to all the variables and functions defined inside the outer function (and all other variables and functions that the outer function has access to).

Why is it important to use functions in JavaScript?

JavaScript Functions. JavaScript provides functions similar to most of the scripting and programming languages. In JavaScript, a function allows you to define a block of code, give it a name and then execute it as many times as you want. A JavaScript function can be defined using function keyword.

Can we use function inside function in JavaScript?

Yes. This method is called currying.

3 Answers

There are no advantages, you aren't placing a function inside a variable you are simply naming the function differently.

function foo() { /* ... */ }
var foo = function () { /* ... */ }

These are exactly the same except for one thing.

This works:

/* Later on... */
function foo() { /* ... */ }

This doesn't work:

/* Later on... */
var foo = function () { /* ... */ }

The JavaScript interpreter will preprocess all function foo's before running and push them to the top of the program so they are available but won't do that with var foo = function's.

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Josh K Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 06:10

Josh K

This is called a function expression, which has slightly different behavior than a function declaration. Among other things, it acts differently when it comes to when you can refer to it. For instance, if you do:

var myFunctionName = function() {
    Code Here...

You cannot call or refer to the function until after you has been assigned, whereas

function myFunctionName() {
    Code Here...

Can be referred to anywhere in the same scope, even before it's declared. This is because of a feature in Javascript called "hoisting", where all function declarations are moved to the top of the code block behind the scenes.

See Also:

What is the difference between a function expression vs declaration in JavaScript?


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Matt King Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 07:10

Matt King

There are some things you can do with a function expression that you can't with a declaration.

  • it could be immediately invoked, and the return value stored in the variable

  • if you're not in the global namespace, you could exclude the var keyword to create a global


Here's an example of an immediate invocation. It returns a function to the myFunctionName variable that has access to the variables and parameter scoped in the immediately invoked function.

var myFunctionName = function( v ) {
       // do something with "v" and some scoped variables
       // return a function that has access to the scoped variables

    return function() {
        // this function does something with the scoped variables
}( 'someVal' );

  // now this function is the only one that has access
  //   to the variables that were scoped in the outer expression.

Here's an example where a function maintains a numeric value. You can repeatedly call the function, giving it a number to add to the count. It will always reference the current value, so each call is cumulative.

Example: http://jsfiddle.net/5uuLa/1/

var counter = function( value ) {

    return function( addValue ) {
        value += ~~addValue;
        return value;
}( 10 ); // initialize with a value

   // each call builds on the result of the previous    
console.log( counter( 2 ) ); // 12
console.log( counter( 5 ) ); // 17
console.log( counter( 3 ) ); // 20
console.log( counter( 7 ) ); // 27
console.log( counter( 1 ) ); // 28
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user113716 Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 06:10
