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java.net.ProtocolException: unexpected end of stream

I am facing a strange issue, and I am not able to debug it out. I have implemented a logic for uploading stream of data and am using Volley for the same, I have customized a logic little bit in HurlStack, addBodyIfExists api,so that body of type "application/octet-stream" can be handled.

My logic is to post progress to user, so that UI can be updated indicating user progress in upload, below my logic for same.

            int toRead = length; // File length
            byte[] data = new byte[4096];
            if(length != -1) {
            } else {

            OutputStream os;
            int i;
            int count;

            os = connection.getOutputStream();
            int progress= 0;

               try {
                    for(i = 0; (count= is.read(data)) > 0; ++i) { // is, is not null and contains a valid input stream
                        os.write(data, 0, count); // at this line am getting unexpected end of stream
                        progress+= count;
                        if(i % 20 == 0) {
                            rs.deliverProgress(progress, 0L);
                            progress= 0;

                } finally {
                    if(is != null) {

                    if(os != null) {


on executing above code am getting this, although I have verified, output stream is not null, neither do input stream, it fails in first iteration of read loop itself, am seeing it has read 4096 bytes and then trying to write the same.

java.net.ProtocolException: unexpected end of stream
            at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpConnection$FixedLengthSink.close(HttpConnection.java:326)
            at com.android.okio.RealBufferedSink.close(RealBufferedSink.java:174)
            at com.android.okio.RealBufferedSink$1.close(RealBufferedSink.java:142)

any help in debugging above will he highly appreciated.

like image 237
Techfist Avatar asked Aug 24 '15 13:08


1 Answers

This may help you :

That exception is thrown by FixedLengthInputStream when the expected number of bytes (usually set in the content-length header of the response) is larger than the actual data in the response. Check that the content-length header is correct. (If you're supplying your own value for the content length, make sure it is correct.)

It would help to see your code that sets up the input stream.

like image 199
Saeid Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 02:10
