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java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.springframework.util.ClassUtils.forName(Ljava

I use very simple code that returns XML

RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();

Source oResponse = restTemplate.postForObject(url, entity, Source.class,

XPathOperations xpathTemplate = new Jaxp13XPathTemplate();
String address = xpathTemplate.evaluateAsString("//status", oResponse);

However, I get the following error

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.springframework.util.ClassUtils.forName(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;
at org.springframework.xml.JaxpVersion.<clinit>(JaxpVersion.java:51)
at org.springframework.xml.transform.TraxUtils.isStaxSource(TraxUtils.java:70)
at org.springframework.xml.xpath.Jaxp13XPathTemplate.evaluate(Jaxp13XPathTemplate.java:131)
at org.springframework.xml.xpath.Jaxp13XPathTemplate.evaluateAsString(Jaxp13XPathTemplate.java:91)

Please help. Thanks, Vladimir

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Vladimir Avatar asked Mar 17 '14 21:03


3 Answers

A NoSuchMethodError at runtime indicates that you are using a different version of a library than the version the code was built against.

In your case, Spring is the culprit. Check what is on the classpath at runtime and ensure the following:

  • the version is the same as the compile time jar
  • if there is more than one version, remove the one not required

Looking at http://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/3.2.0.M1/api/org/springframework/util/ClassUtils.html, it would appear that ClassUtils.forName(String) is deprecated as of Spring 3. My guess would be you have built your code against a version which had this method but are running it with a version where the method has been removed.

The ClassUtils class is contained within the spring-core jar so I would ensure the same version of this jar is used at both compile and run time.

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JamesB Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 05:11


We had a similar issue when we are migrating to Spring 4.1.1

In our case, we had a dependency as follows


We added this dependency inorder to support Post Processing of a bean

<bean class="org.springframework.config.java.process.ConfigurationPostProcessor" />

There is a class from the above dependency "ProcessUtils.java", Which is invoking ClassUtils.forName with a Single argument (String). However this method has been deprecated. So the Exeception is being thrown.

I have learnt from another post in stackoverflow that we do not need a ConfigurationPostProcessor with Spring 4.1.1 (am not sure of exact version, when this support is enabled)

Once we removed the following from our Configuration (Spring Context file), the problem is resolved.

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Anjaneya Reddy Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 05:11

Anjaneya Reddy

You may have already figured this out but still in my case i was using a spring-orm whose version was different from spring-core and thus was getting similar error message when running unit tests. I have learnt from my experience that all the spring jar files included in a project should have the same version to avoid unnecessary issues.

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Neeraj Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 04:11
