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java.lang.IllegalStateException: Autowired annotation requires at least one argument




Cannot Autowire and run Spring web application.


java.lang.IllegalStateException: Autowired annotation requires at least one argument: public main.java.com.springapp.mvc.controller.DSLRServletController()


package main.java.com.springapp.mvc.controller;

import main.java.com.springapp.mvc.dao.DSLRDAO;
import main.java.com.springapp.mvc.model.DSLR;
import main.java.com.springapp.mvc.pckg.DSLRForm;
import main.java.com.springapp.mvc.pckg.DSLRValidaor;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.ui.Model;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ModelAttribute;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;

import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.*;

public class DSLRServletController   {
    static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DSLRServletController.class);

    private DSLR DSLR;
    private DSLRDAO dslrDAO;
    private DSLR dslr;

    public DSLRServletController() {
        this.dslrDAO = new DSLRDAO();

    public void init() {logger.error("DSLRServlet.init(): just started"); }

@RequestMapping(value = "/s", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String showHTMLResponse(@ModelAttribute("dslrs") DSLR dslrs[],
                               @ModelAttribute("dslr") DSLR dslr,
                               @ModelAttribute("dslrErrors") HashMap dslrErrors,
                               @ModelAttribute ("dslrform") DSLRForm dslrForm,
                               @RequestParam("id") String paramId,
                               @RequestParam("action") String paramAction,
                               Model model){

    if(paramId == null || paramId.equals("")){
        dslrs = getAllDslrs();    // DSLR adslrs[] -> to MODEL; HOW?
       return "dslrs";
        HashMap<String,Object> dslrHashMap = getDSLRById(paramId);
        dslr = (DSLR) dslrHashMap.get("dslr");
        dslrForm = (DSLRForm)dslrHashMap.get("dslrForm");
        dslrErrors = (HashMap)dslrHashMap.get("dslrErrors");

            if(dslr != null){

                return "dslr";

                return "error";


@RequestMapping(value = "/s", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String showHTMLResponsePOST(@ModelAttribute("dslrs") DSLR dslrs[],
                               @ModelAttribute("dslrErrors") HashMap<?,?> dslrErrors,
                               @ModelAttribute ("dslrform") DSLRForm dslrForm,

                               @RequestParam("id") String paramId,
                               @RequestParam("action") String paramAction,
                               @RequestParam("dslr_model") String paramModel,
                               @RequestParam("price") String paramPrice,
                               @RequestParam("description") String paramDescription,
                               Model model){
    int iStatusCode = 0;
    if(paramAction.equals("save") )
        iStatusCode = saveDSLR(paramId, paramModel, paramPrice, paramDescription, dslrErrors, dslrForm);    // POST

    return "dslrs";


    private int saveDSLR(String paramId,
                         String paramModel,
                         String paramPrice,
                         String paramDescription,
                         HashMap<?,?> context_dslrErrors,
                         DSLRForm context_dslrForm
                         ) {
        int byte0 = 1;
        try {

            DSLRValidaor dslrValidaor = new DSLRValidaor();

            DSLRForm dslrForm = new DSLRForm();

            HashMap hashmap = dslrValidaor.Validate(dslrForm);
            if(hashmap.size() > 0) {
                context_dslrForm = dslrForm;
                context_dslrErrors = hashmap;
                byte0 = -1;
            } else{
                DSLRDAO planedao = new DSLRDAO();
                DSLR dslr = new DSLR();
        catch(Exception exception)
            logger.error((new StringBuilder()).append("DSLRServlet.saveDSLR():").append(exception.getMessage()).toString());
            byte0 = -1;
        return byte0;


    private DSLR[] getAllDslrs(){
        DSLR adslrs[] = null;
            DSLRDAO DSLRDAO = new DSLRDAO();
            adslrs = (DSLR[])DSLRDAO.findAll();
        catch(Exception exception)
            logger.error((new StringBuilder()).append("PlaneServlet.getAllPlanes():").append(exception.getMessage()).toString());
//        request.setAttribute("dslrs", adslrs);
        return adslrs;

    private HashMap<String, Object> getDSLRById(String s)
        HashMap<String,Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();

        DSLR dslr = null;
        try {
            int i = Integer.parseInt(s);
            DSLRDAO DSLRDAO = new DSLRDAO();
            dslr = (DSLR)DSLRDAO.findById(i);

            DSLRForm dslrForm = new DSLRForm();

            map.put("dslr", dslr);
            map.put("dslrform", dslrForm);
            map.put("dslrErrors", new HashMap());
        catch(Exception exception)
            logger.error((new StringBuilder()).append("DSLRServlet.getDSLRById():").append(exception.getMessage()).toString());
        return map;
    public void setDslrDAO(DSLRDAO dslrDAO) {
        this.dslrDAO = dslrDAO;

    public DSLRDAO getDslrDAO() {
        return dslrDAO;
    public void setDSLR(DSLR DSLR) {
        dslr = DSLR;

    public DSLR getDSLR() {
        return dslr;

Why @Autowired annotation returns error? How to fix it?

like image 534
J.Olufsen Avatar asked May 15 '14 15:05


People also ask

Why is @autowired not working?

When @Autowired doesn't work. There are several reasons @Autowired might not work. When a new instance is created not by Spring but by for example manually calling a constructor, the instance of the class will not be registered in the Spring context and thus not available for dependency injection.

Is Autowired annotation required?

By default, the @Autowired annotation implies that the dependency is required. This means an exception will be thrown when a dependency is not resolved. You can override that default behavior using the (required=false) option with @Autowired .

Why Autowired is giving null?

The field annotated @Autowired is null because Spring doesn't know about the copy of MileageFeeCalculator that you created with new and didn't know to autowire it.

Is Autowired annotation optional?

@Autowired annotation is optional for constructor based injection.

2 Answers

In addition to reimeus answer, you can't use @Autowired on a default constructor.

It's often considered better to autowire the constructor rather than a field.

public DSLRServletController(DSLRDAO dslrDAO) {
    this.dslrDAO = dslrDAO;
like image 117
ashley Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 11:10


The constructor isnt a valid setter method or instance variable

private DSLRDAO dslrDAO;
like image 38
Reimeus Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 11:10
