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java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: A ServletContext is required to configure default servlet handling

One of your @Configuration classes is obviously annotated with @EnableWebMvc. That's how DelegatingWebMvcConfiguration ends up in your stack trace, since it is imported by @EnableWebMvc.

So although you think you don't need a WebApplicationContext (and hence a ServletContext), you in fact do need it simply because you are loading an application context with @EnableWebMvc.

You have two options:

  • Compose the configuration classes for your integration test so that you are not including the web-related configuration (i.e., the @Configuration class(es) annotated with @EnableWebMvc).
  • Annotate your test class with @WebAppConfiguration as suggested in other comments above.


Sam (author of the Spring TestContext Framework)

It seems like you are missing


from your test class.

The documentation states

The resource base path is used behind the scenes to create a MockServletContext which serves as the ServletContext for the test’s WebApplicationContext.

Typically a Servlet container would provide the ServletContext. Since you are in a testing environment, you need a fake. @WebAppConfiguration provides that.

For you to instantiate the Servlet context, you would have to use the annotation.


A class-level annotation that is used to declare that the ApplicationContext loaded for an integration test should be a WebApplicationContext. The mere presence of @WebAppConfiguration on a test class ensures that a WebApplicationContext will be loaded for the test, using the default value of "file:src/main/webapp" for the path to the root of the web application (i.e., the resource base path). The resource base path is used behind the scenes to create a MockServletContext which serves as the ServletContext for the test’s WebApplicationContext.