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Javadoc not generated for Lombok getter and setter




I am having a problem with generating Javadoc for Lombok getters and setters. I have tried both suggestions here. An example field and its text are as follows:

/**    *  Identifier of the client  *   *  @param clientID changes the id of the client   *  @return id of the client  */ @Getter @Setter private Integer clientID; 

However, I see neither the getter nor the setter in the generated Javadoc. I am using 'protected' visibility on Eclipse (Project -> Generate Javadoc...). My Lombok version is 1.12.4. Any suggestions?

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Egemen Avatar asked Aug 28 '15 14:08


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1 Answers

The javadoc feature does not work in the eclipse javadoc view or hovers. You can generate the javadoc by running delombok on the code first and then run the javadoc compiler, as is hinted on the feature page near the bottom.

Disclosure: I am a Lombok developer.

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Roel Spilker Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 00:09

Roel Spilker