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Javadoc: How to fix: "bad HTML entity" error



I am getting this error:

[ERROR] /Users/daniel/ideaProjects/lbjava/lbjava/src/main/java/edu/illinois/cs/cogcomp/lbjava/learn/NaiveBayes.java:638: error: bad HTML entity
[ERROR] * P(e's label && e)
[ERROR] /Users/daniel/ideaProjects/lbjava/lbjava/src/main/java/edu/illinois/cs/cogcomp/lbjava/learn/NaiveBayes.java:638: error: bad HTML entity
[ERROR] * P(e's label && e)

Here is the full comment:

     * Takes the dot product of this vector with the given vector, using the specified default
     * weight when encountering a feature that is not yet present in this vector. Here, weights
     * are taken as <i>log(feature count / prior count)</i>. The output of this method is
     * related to the empirical probability of the example <i>e</i> as follows: <br>
     * <br>
     * <i>exp(dot(e)) / (sum of all labels' prior counts)) =</i><br>
     * P(e's label && e)
     * @param exampleFeatures The example's array of feature indices.
     * @param exampleValues The example's array of feature values.
     * @param defaultW The default weight.
     * @return The computed dot product.

Any ideas what might be causing this error? How can I fix it?

Note: I don't want to disable doclint; instead I want to resolve the issue with the comment.

like image 458
Daniel Avatar asked Jun 29 '16 23:06


1 Answers

You need to escape some symbols

&& should be entered as &amp;&amp; if you want to render as &&

like image 127
Everspace Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 07:11
