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Java8 Transform list of object to list of one attribute of object

I want to use Java 8 tricks to do the following in one line.

Given this object definition:

public class MyObj {
    private String id;
    private Double value;

and a List<MyObj> objects, I want to get a List<String> objectIds which is a list of all ids of the objects in the first list - in the same order.

I can do this using a loop in Java but I believe there should be a one-liner lambda in Java8 that can do this. I was not able to find a solution online. Perhaps I wasn't using the right search terms.

Could someone suggest a lambda or another one-liner for this transform?

like image 849
Nik Avatar asked Feb 17 '17 19:02


1 Answers

This should do the trick:


that said, the method reference :: operator allows you to reference any method in your classpath and use it as a lambda for the operation that you need.

As mentioned in the comments, a stream preserves order.

like image 191
xiumeteo Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 13:09
