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Java: Why does calling `remove()` on a List throw UnsupportedOperation exception?



For some reason, I'm getting an UnsupportedOpeationException with the following code. Examining it in the debugger, it looks like the object I'm calling remove() on is a list.

// to optimize, remove totalSize. After taking an item from lowest, if lowest is empty, remove it from `lists`
// lists are sorted to begin with
public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> List<T> merge(Set<List<T>> lists) {
    List<T> result = new ArrayList<T>();
    HashMap<List<T>, Integer> location = new HashMap<List<T>, Integer>();

    int totalSize = 0; // every element in the set
    for (List<T> l : lists) {
        location.put(l, 0);
        totalSize += l.size();

    boolean first;
    List<T> lowest = lists.iterator().next(); // the list with the lowest item to add
    int index;

    while (result.size() < totalSize) { // while we still have something to add
        first = true;

        for (List<T> l : lists) {
            if (! l.isEmpty()) {
                if (first) {
                    lowest = l;
                else if (l.get(location.get(l)).compareTo(lowest.get(location.get(lowest))) <= 0) {
                    lowest = l;
        index = location.get(lowest);
        lowest.remove(index); //problem here
    return result;

The exception:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
    at java.util.AbstractList.remove(Unknown Source)
    at interview.questions.MergeLists.merge(MergeLists.java:72)
    at interview.questions.MergeLists.main(MergeLists.java:32)

Why is this happening?

like image 204
Nick Heiner Avatar asked Nov 27 '22 23:11

Nick Heiner

1 Answers

It's quite possible the underlying implementation of List you received is fixed-length, such as one created by Arrays#asList.

like image 85
Jeffrey Hantin Avatar answered Dec 09 '22 19:12

Jeffrey Hantin