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Java Web Start vs Embedded Java Applet

I'm going to deploy my Java game to show it to my friends and whatnot, but I'm having trouble deciding between Java Web Start and applets.

Under what conditions is one preferable over another and what advantages/disadvantages are there?

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Matthew H Avatar asked Mar 27 '10 18:03

Matthew H

People also ask

What is the difference between Java applet * and Java applet applet?

It is a type of Java program that a user can easily embed in a web page. A Java applet works at the client-side, and it runs inside the browser (web browser). One can use the OBJECT or the APPLET tag for embedding an applet into an HTML page and host it on any web server.

Is Java Web Start still used?

Oracle has announced that Java Applet and WebStart functionality, including the Applet API, The Java plug-in, the Java Applet Viewer, JNLP and Java Web Start (containing the javaws tool) are all deprecated in JDK 9 and will be removed in a future release.

What is the alternative to Java Web Start?

OWL is open sourceRocket Open Web Launch (OWL) is an open-source solution that's easy to set up, easy to use, and available to anyone who needs it. It's designed to run any application as configured in its JNLP file against a Java version which may no longer officially support Java Web Start.

What is replacing Java applets?

You can still relive the heyday of Java applets through UltraStudio, an online museum of educational applets, but Java has been mostly replaced by Flash and JavaScript for creating interactive programs on the web.

1 Answers

If your game is going to consume a lot of cpu and memory resources I recommend deploying it as Java Web Start since applets run slower.

If you have some java-javascript interaction you'd better use applets

Here you can find a table with advantages/disadvantages

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Enrique Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 17:09
