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Java volatile reordering prevention scope

Writes and reads to a volatile field prevent reordering of reads/writes before and after the volatile field respectively. Variable reads/writes before a write to a volatile variable can not be reordered to happen after it, and reads/writes after a read from a volatile variable can not be reordered to happen before it. But what is the scope of this prohibition? As I understand volatile variable prevents reordering only inside the block where it is used, am I right?

Let me give a concrete example for clarity. Let's say we have such code:

int i,j,k;
volatile int l;
boolean flag = true;

void someMethod() {
    int i = 1;
    if (flag) {
        j = 2;
    if (flag) {
        k = 3;
        l = 4;

Obviously, write to l will prevent write to k from reordering, but will it prevent reordering of writes to i and j in respect to l? In other words can writes to i and j happen after write to l?


Thanks guys for taking your time and answering my question - I appreciate this. The problem is you're answering the wrong question. My question is about scope, not about the basic concept. The question is basically how far in code does complier guarantee the "happens before" relation to the volatile field. Obviously compiler can guarantee that inside the same code block, but what about enclosing blocks and peer blocks - that's what my question is about. @Stephen C said, that volatile guarantees happen before behavior inside the whole method's body, even in the enclosing block, but I can not find any confirmation to that. Is he right, is there a confirmation somewhere?

Let me give yet another concrete example about scoping to clarify things:

setVolatile() {
   l = 5;

callTheSet() {
   i = 6;

Will compiler prohibit reordering of i write in this case? Or maybe compiler can not/is not programmed to track what happens in other methods in case of volatile, and i write can be reordered to happen before setVolatile()? Or maybe compiler doesn't reorder method calls at all?

I mean there is got to be a point somewhere, when compiler will not be able to track if some code should happen before some volatile field write. Otherwise one volatile field write/read might affect ordering of half of a program, if not more. This is a rare case, but it is possible.

Moreover, look at this quote

Under the new memory model, it is still true that volatile variables cannot be reordered with each other. The difference is that it is now no longer so easy to reorder normal field accesses around them.

"Around them". This phrase implies, that there is a scope where volatile field can prevent reordering.

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Nik Kotovski Avatar asked Mar 06 '23 16:03

Nik Kotovski

1 Answers

Obviously, write to l will prevent write to k from reordering, but will it prevent reordering of writes to i and j?

It is not entirely clear what you mean by reordering; see my comments above.

However, in the Java 5+ memory model, we can say that the writes to i and j that happened before the write to l will be visible to another thread after it has read l ... provided that nothing writes i and j after write to l.

This does have the effect of constraining any reordering of the instructions that write to i and j. Specifically, they can't be moved to after the memory write barrier following the write to l, because that could lead them to not being visible to the second thread.

But what is the scope of this prohibition?

There isn't a prohibition per se.

You need to understand that instructions, reordering and memory barriers are just details of a specific way of implementing the Java memory model. The model is actually defined in terms of what is guaranteed to be visible in any "well-formed execution".

As I understand volatile prevents reordering inside the block where it is used, am I right?

Actually, no. The blocks don't come into the consideration. What matters is the (program source code) order of the statements within the method.

@Stephen C said, that volatile guarantees happen before behavior inside the whole method's body, even in the enclosing block, but I can not find any confirmation to that.

The confirmation is JLS 17.4.3. It states the following:

Among all the inter-thread actions performed by each thread t, the program order of t is a total order that reflects the order in which these actions would be performed according to the intra-thread semantics of t.

A set of actions is sequentially consistent if all actions occur in a total order (the execution order) that is consistent with program order, and furthermore, each read r of a variable v sees the value written by the write w to v such that:

  • w comes before r in the execution order, and

  • there is no other write w' such that w comes before w' and w' comes before r in the execution order.

Sequential consistency is a very strong guarantee that is made about visibility and ordering in an execution of a program. Within a sequentially consistent execution, there is a total order over all individual actions (such as reads and writes) which is consistent with the order of the program, and each individual action is atomic and is immediately visible to every thread.

If a program has no data races, then all executions of the program will appear to be sequentially consistent.

Notice that there is NO mention of blocks or scopes in this definition.

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Stephen C Avatar answered Mar 28 '23 06:03

Stephen C