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Java Utility Class vs. Service [closed]

What's the difference in Java between a utility class (a class with static methods) and a Service class (a class with public methods that provides a "service"). For example, one can argue that a cryptographic object (providing methods to encrypt, decrypt, hash or get a salt value) is a Service provider, but many group this functionality into a Utility class with static methods, like CryptoUtil.encrypt(...). I'm trying to figure out which way follows better "design". Thoughts?

like image 871
djunforgetable Avatar asked May 16 '09 01:05


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A utility class is a class that is just a namespace for functions. No instances of it can exist, and all its members are static. For example, java. lang. Math and java.

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utility class is a class that defines a set of methods that perform common, often re-used functions. Most utility classes define these common methods under static (see Static variable) scope. Examples of utility classes include java.

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Pure utility classes should usually be static. When you have a class with well-defined input and output, no side effects and no state, then by definition it should be a static class.

1 Answers

Different behaviors can be obtained by using different service objects. Static methods in a utility class can't be swapped out. This is extremely useful for testing, changing implementations, and other purposes.

For example, you mention a CryptoUtil with an encrypt method. It would extremely useful to have different objects that could support different encryption strategies, different message recipients, etc.

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erickson Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09
