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Java : The import collides with another import statement

You can use them explicitly without importing them, so the included package name differentiates between the two:

 //No imports required!
public class Adapter
     private com.tata.model.common.Status x;
     private com.bayer.frontlayer.dao.Status y;

You can import just one of the classes and use the fully qualified name for the other one.


import com.tata.model.common.Status;
//import  com.bayer.frontlayer.dao.Status;

class SomeClass{
    void someMethod(){
       new Status(); //  com.tata.model.common.Status
       new com.bayer.frontlayer.dao.Status(); //com.bayer.frontlayer.dao.Status

Though I think it would be less confusing in your case if you just used the fully-qualified names for both classes.

Directly apply full Class Names wherever applicable. Eg-

public class SomeClass {

public someMethod() {

com.myapp.someotherpackage.Status = "something";

com.some.other.package.Status = "otherthing";

if(com.myapp.someotherpackage.Status == com.some.other.package.Status) {
