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Java System Environment Variable

Does Java have a default System Environment Variable that will always be read/appended when we set it? CATALINA_OTPS/JAVA_OPTS etc seems only for TOMCAT/JBOSS etc.

  1. I do not want to set it through Java system properties (which is passed in via -Dprop1=value1 -Dprop2=value2) as it involves shell/batch script.
  2. It should work across OS, like double click jar file in Windows.
  3. It should work across different JREs (Sun, IBM, OpenJDK etc).
  4. It should not involve extra coding.
  5. It should work in most libraries configuration file, like setting log4j level ${LOG_LEVEL}.

Update: Added item # 4 and 5. Remove OS from title to make my question clearer.

Update 2: After looking at Perception's answer, it seems like my item 2 and 3 can be achieved via System.getenv. How to achieve item 4 and 5?

Here is example of scenario: Imagine now JAVA_DEFAULT_OPTS is an environment variable that will be read by Java as it has now become the standard. On development desktop machine, I set JAVA_DEFAULT_OPTS=-DLOG_LEVEL=DEBUG -Xmx384m; On production server machine, customers set JAVA_DEFAULT_OPTS=-DLOG_LEVEL=INFO -Xmx1024m. When I/users double click the jar file on Windows, the application will run will different log4j level and max memory heap size.

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Lee Chee Kiam Avatar asked Mar 13 '12 01:03

Lee Chee Kiam

People also ask

What is system variable in Java?

General Information. The PATH is the system variable that your operating system uses to locate needed executables from the command line or Terminal window. The PATH system variable can be set using System Utility in control panel on Windows, or in your shell's startup file on Linux and Solaris.

How do I set system variables in Java?

You can also type where java at the command prompt. Click the Environment Variables button. Under System Variables, click New. In the Variable Value field, enter your JDK or JRE installation path .

2 Answers

There is a special environment variable called _JAVA_OPTIONS, its value will be picked up by the JVM (java.exe).

In Windows:

set _JAVA_OPTIONS=-Xms64m -Xmx128m -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=lcd

In Linux:

export _JAVA_OPTIONS='-Xms64m -Xmx128m -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=lcd'

For Java Web Start it's JAVAWS_VM_ARGS. For javaw.exe (Applet), it's _JPI_VM_OPTIONS.

edit 20201213

_JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable was ok but was not documented or supported.

Since it is not standardized, other vendors have their own names e.g. IBM_JAVA_OPTIONS. Leading underscore names are private by convention so it's not a good idea to standardize the usage of _JAVA_OPTIONS.

That's why JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS should be the preferred choice.

ref : https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/platform/jvmti/jvmti.html#tooloptions

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RealHowTo Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 15:10


Java has a standard OS system environment variable that is always set when the JVM is launched:

  • os.name
  • os.arch
  • os.version

All accessible via 'System.getProperty(propertyName)`

If you need anything more than this you could always use the Management API.

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Perception Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 15:10
