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Java: String representation of just the host, scheme, possibly port from servlet request

I work with different servers and configurations. What is the best java code approach for getting the scheme://host:[port if it is not port 80].

Here is some code I have used, but don't know if this is the best approach. (this is pseudo code)

HttpServletRequest == request

String serverName = request.getServerName().toLowerCase();
String scheme = request.getScheme();
int port = request.getServerPort();

String val = scheme + "://" + serverName + ":" port;

Such that val returns:




Basically, I need everything but the query string and 'context'.

I was also consider using URL:

String absURL = request.getRequestURL();
URL url = new URL(absURL);

like image 797
Berlin Brown Avatar asked Jul 09 '09 15:07

Berlin Brown

3 Answers

try this:

URL serverURL = new URL(request.getScheme(),      // http
                        request.getServerName(),  // host
                        request.getServerPort(),  // port
                        "");                      // file


hiding default port on http and https:

int port = request.getServerPort();

if (request.getScheme().equals("http") && port == 80) {
    port = -1;
} else if (request.getScheme().equals("https") && port == 443) {
    port = -1;

URL serverURL = new URL(request.getScheme(), request.getServerName(), port, "");
like image 56
dfa Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 17:11


URI u=new URI("http://www.google.com/");
String s=u.getScheme()+"://"+u.getHost()+":"+u.getPort();

As Cookie said, from java.net.URI (docs).

like image 38
mcandre Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 17:11


public String getServer(HttpServletRequest request) {
  int port = request.getServerPort();
  StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();

  if (port != 80) {

  return result;
like image 1
John Topley Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 18:11

John Topley