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Java Stream: Filter with multiple ranges

I'm trying to filter a resource and exclude some elements based on a field. To exclude I have a set (that contains a id that needs to be excluded) and a list (it contains multiple range of ids that needs to be excluded). I wrote the below logic and I'm not satisfied with the 2nd filter logic. Is there any better way we can do it with Java 8? I need to do the same for including ranges as well.

Set<String> extensionsToExclude = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("20","25","60","900"));
List<String> rangesToExclude = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("1-10","20-25","50-70","1000-1000000"));
return directoryRecords.stream()
        .filter((directoryRecord) -> !extensionsToExclude.contains(directoryRecord.getExtensionNumber()))
        .filter((directoryRecord -> {
            Boolean include = true;
            for(String s : rangesToExclude) {
                String [] rangeArray = s.split("-");
                Integer extension = Integer.parseInt(directoryRecord.getExtensionNumber());
                if(extension <= Integer.parseInt(rangeArray[0]) && extension >= Integer.parseInt(rangeArray[1])) {
                    include = false;
            return include;

Thanks :)

like image 954
Yadvendra Rathore Avatar asked Jan 29 '20 00:01

Yadvendra Rathore

1 Answers

I would do it with a custom Range class, something like:

class Range {
    private long start;
    private long end;

    Range(String start, String end) {
        this.start = Long.parseLong(start);
        this.end = Long.parseLong(end);

    Range(String range) {
        this(range.split("-")[0], range.split("-")[1]);

    boolean inRange(long n) {
        returns start <= n && n <= end;

Which will make something like this possible:

List<Range> ranges = rangesToExclude.stream()
return directoryRecords.stream()
        .filter((directoryRecord) -> !extensionsToExclude
        .filter(directoryRecord -> ranges.stream()
                                    .noneMatch(r -> r.isInRange(directoryRecord)))

I personally find your first filter good enough to be preserved as is.

like image 135
ernest_k Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 18:10
