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Java stream averagingInt by multiple parameters

I have a class

static class Student {

    private String surname;
    private String firstName;
    private String secondName;
    private int yearOfBirth;
    private int course;
    private int groupNumber;
    private int mathGrade;
    private int engGrade;
    private int physicGrade;
    private int programmingGrade;
    private int chemistryGrade;

And there is a method that adds students to the map for the course

public Map<Integer, Double> averageInt(List<Student> students) {
            Map<Integer, Double> map2 = students.stream()
            return map2;

However, I need several average values ​​in one map at the same time. Not only engGrade, but also mathGrade, programmingGrade and so on. I think the code in this case should be in the format Map<Integer, List<Double>> but I don’t know how to do it. Tell me please

For example, I now display "Course = 1, average eng grade = ..."

And I need to display "Course = 1, average eng grade = ..., average math grade = ...", ie so that there are multiple Double values ​​in the map

like image 666
Nikita Avatar asked Apr 03 '21 19:04


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2 Answers

I propose to use this method

    public static Map<Integer, Double> averageInt(List<Student> students, ToIntFunction<? super Student> mapper) {
        Map<Integer, Double> map2 = students.stream()
                .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Student::getCourse, Collectors.averagingInt(mapper)));
        return map2;

And use it like this

Student.averageInt(students, Student::getMathGrade);
Student.averageInt(students, Student::getProgrammingGrade);
like image 93
Ahmed HENTETI Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 23:09


I see two ways of achieving this

  • Using java-12's Collectors::teeing
  • Using a customer collector (scroll down)


If you're using java-12 or higher, you could use Collectors::teeing

Returns a Collector that is a composite of two downstream collectors.

public static Map<Integer, List<Double>> averageInt(List<Student> students) {
    return students.stream()
                                    (englishAverage, mathAverage) -> {
                                        List<Double> averages = new ArrayList<>();
                                        return averages;
                            (averages, physicsAverage) -> {
                                return averages;

And it gives the following results

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Student studentOne = new Student(1, 5, 1, 1);
    Student studentTwo = new Student(1, 1, 9, 2);
    Student studentThree = new Student(1, 2, 9, 3);
    Student studentFour = new Student(2, 5, 6, 4);
    Student studentFive = new Student(2, 8, 1, 5);
    Student studentSix = new Student(3, 3, 6, 0);
    Student studentSeven = new Student(3, 5, 7, 7);
    Student studentEight = new Student(3, 3, 6, 8);
    Student studentNine = new Student(3, 4, 1, 9);
    Student studentTen = new Student(4, 9, 1, 0);

    List<Student> students = List.of(studentOne, studentTwo, studentThree, studentFour, studentFive, studentSix, studentSeven, studentEight, studentNine, studentTen);



    1 = [
    2 = [
    3 = [
    4 = [

Using a customer collector

However, if you prefer using a customer Collector, here is how to achieve this. I choose to use a Map instead of a List here for conveniency, but you can of course use a List too without changing the essence of this method

public static Map<Integer, Map<GradeType, Double>> averageInt(List<Student> students) {
    return students.stream()
                    new CustomCollector(Map.of(
                            GradeType.MATH, Student::getMathGrade,
                            GradeType.ENGLISH, Student::getEngGrade,
                            GradeType.PHYSICS, Student::getPhysicGrade

private enum GradeType {

private static class CustomCollector implements Collector<Student, Map<GradeType, List<Double>>, Map<GradeType, Double>> {

    private final Map<GradeType, Function<Student, Integer>> functionsPerGradeType;

    public CustomCollector(Map<GradeType, Function<Student, Integer>> functionsPerGradeType) {
        this.functionsPerGradeType = functionsPerGradeType;

    public Supplier<Map<GradeType, List<Double>>> supplier() {
        return HashMap::new;

    public BiConsumer<Map<GradeType, List<Double>>, Student> accumulator() {
        return (map, student) -> {
            for (Map.Entry<GradeType, Function<Student, Integer>> entry : functionsPerGradeType.entrySet()) {
                GradeType gradeType = entry.getKey();
                Double gradeForStudent = entry.getValue().apply(student).doubleValue();
                map.computeIfAbsent(gradeType, gt -> new ArrayList<>());

    public BinaryOperator<Map<GradeType, List<Double>>> combiner() {
        return (mapOne, mapTwo) -> {
            mapOne.forEach((k, v) -> {
                mapTwo.merge(k, v, (listOne, listTwo) -> {
                    return listOne;
            return mapTwo;

    public Function<Map<GradeType, List<Double>>, Map<GradeType, Double>> finisher() {
        return map -> {
            Map<GradeType, Double> finishedMap = new HashMap<>();

            for (var entry : map.entrySet()) {
                GradeType gradeType = entry.getKey();
                double gradeTypeAverage = entry.getValue().stream().mapToDouble(x -> x).average().orElse(0d);
                finishedMap.put(gradeType, gradeTypeAverage);

            return finishedMap;

    public Set<Characteristics> characteristics() {
        return Set.of(UNORDERED);

Providing the following result

{1={PHYSICS=2.0, ENGLISH=6.333333333333333, MATH=2.6666666666666665}, 2={PHYSICS=4.5, ENGLISH=3.5, MATH=6.5}, 3={PHYSICS=6.0, ENGLISH=5.0, MATH=3.75}, 4={PHYSICS=0.0, ENGLISH=1.0, MATH=9.0}}
like image 35
Yassin Hajaj Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 23:09

Yassin Hajaj