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Java static methods pros & cons




I havent used a lot of static methods before, but just recently I tend to use more of them. For example if I want to set a boolean flag in a class, or acess one without the need to pass the actual object through classes.

For example:

public class MainLoop
    private static volatile boolean finished = false;

    public void run()
        while ( !finished )
            // Do stuff

    // Can be used to shut the application down from other classes, without having the actual object
    public static void endApplication()
        MainLoop.finished = true;


Is this something I should avoid? Is it better to pass a object so you can use the objects methods? Does the boolean finished counts as a global now, or is it just as safe?

like image 735
Lucas Arrefelt Avatar asked Mar 02 '12 22:03

Lucas Arrefelt

People also ask

What is the advantages of static method in Java?

A static method belongs to the class rather than the object of a class. A static method can be invoked without the need for creating an instance of a class. A static method can access static data member and can change the value of it.

Why static methods are good?

They are faster — Static methods are slightly faster than instance methods because in instance methods, you are also working with an implicit this parameter. Eliminating that parameter gives a slight performance boost in most programming languages.

Is it a good practice to use static methods in Java?

It's much easier to refactor methods that are static. It discourages unnecessary references to field members that make the coupling tight. It's also easier to understand calling code because it explicitly passes any objects it interacts with. Save this answer.

1 Answers

A problem with using a static variable in this case is that if you create two (or more) instances of MainLoop, writing code that looks like it is shutting down only one of the instances, will actually shut down both of them:

MainLoop mainLoop1 = new MainLoop();
MainLoop mainLoop2 = new MainLoop();

new Thread(mainLoop1).start();
new Thread(mainLoop2).start();

mainLoop1.finished = true; // static variable also shuts down mainLoop2 

This is just one reason (amongst many) for choosing to not use static variables. Even if your program today only creates one MainLoop, it is possible that in the future you may have reason to create many of them: for unit testing, or to implement a cool new feature.

You may think "if that ever happens, I'll just refactor the program to use member variables instead of static variables." But it's generally more efficient to pay the cost up front, and bake modular design into the program from the start.

There's no question that statics often make a quick and dirty program easier to write. But for important / complex code that you intend to test, maintain, grow, share, and use for years to come, static variables are generally recommended against.

As other answers to this question have noted, a static variable is a kind of global variable. And there's lots of information about why (generally) global variables are bad.

like image 64
Mike Clark Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 01:10

Mike Clark