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Java SimpleDateFormat Wrong Timezone after parsing

Why: When I give input date string with GMT timezone, SimpleDateFormat parses it and outputs EET timezone?

public static String DATE_FORMAT="dd MMM yyyy hh:mm:ss z";
public static String CURRENT_DATE_STRING ="31 October 2011 11:19:56 GMT";
SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat =  new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT, Locale.US);

And the output is:

Mon Oct 31 13:19:56 EET 2011

rather than

Mon Oct 31 13:19:56 GMT 2011

like image 958
IgorDiy Avatar asked Oct 31 '11 10:10


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1 Answers

You're printing out the result of Date.toString(). A Date doesn't have any concept of a timezone - it's just the number of milliseconds since the UTC Unix epoch. Date.toString() always uses the system default time zone.

Note that you shouldn't be expecting "Mon Oct 31 13:19:56 GMT 2011" given that you've given a time which specifies a GMT hour of 11, not 13.

If you want to use a specific time zone for printing, you should use another DateFormat for the printing, rather than using Date.toString(). (Date.toString() keeps causing confusion like this; it's really unfortunate.)

like image 136
Jon Skeet Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 06:09

Jon Skeet