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Java SE 8 TemporalAccessor.from issues when used with a java.time.Instant object

java.time has an Instant class which encapsulates a position (or 'moment') on the timeline. While I understand that this is a seconds/nanoseconds value so not directly related to time zones or times offsets, its toString returns a date and time formatted as a UTC date/time, eg 2014-05-13T20:05:08.556Z. Also anInstant.atZone(zone) and anInstant.atOffset(offset) both produce a value that is consistent with treating the Instant as having an implied UTC time-zone/'zero' offset.

I would have expected therefore:

  • ZoneOffset.from(anInstant) to produce a 'zero' ZoneOffset
  • OffsetDateTime.from(anInstant) to produce a date/time with a 'zero' offset
  • ZoneId.from(anInstant) (probably) to produce a UTC ZoneId
  • ZonedDateTime.from(anInstant) (probably) to produce a ZonedDateTime with a UTC ZoneId

The documentation for ZonedDateTime.from, as I read it, appears to endorse this.

In fact ZoneOffset.from(anInstant) fails with DateTimeException, and I suppose for that reason OffsetDateTime.from(anInstant) also fails, as do the other two.

Is this the expected behaviour?

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user3627702 Avatar asked May 13 '14 21:05


People also ask

What is TemporalAccessor in java?

public interface TemporalAccessor. Framework-level interface defining read-only access to a temporal object, such as a date, time, offset or some combination of these. This is the base interface type for date, time and offset objects. It is implemented by those classes that can provide information as fields or queries.

Does instant have timezone Java?

time. Instant is the class encapsulating the time elapsed from the standard Java epoch(beginning of time in Java) of 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z. Instant instances do have a time zone associated with them – UTC to be specific. So, an instance of Instant holds a value of date-time with a UTC time-line.

1 Answers

Short answer:

The JSR-310-designers don't want people to do conversions between machine time and human time via static from()-methods in types like ZoneId, ZoneOffset, OffsetDateTime, ZonedDateTime etc. This is explicitly specified if you carefully study the javadoc. Instead use:

OffsetDateTime#toInstant():Instant ZonedDateTime#toInstant():Instant Instant#atOffset(ZoneOffset):OffsetDateTime Instant#atZone(ZoneId):ZonedDateTime 

The problem with the static from()-methods is that otherwise people are able to do conversions between an Instant and for example a LocalDateTime without thinking about the timezone.

Long answer:

Whether to consider an Instant as counter or as field tuple, the answer given by JSR-310-team was a strict separation between so-called machine time and human time. Indeed they intend to have a strict separation - see their guidelines. So finally they want Instant to be only interpreted as a machine time counter. So they intentionally have a design where you cannot ask an Instant for fields like year, hour etc.

But indeed, the JSR-310-team is not consistent at all. They have implemented the method Instant.toString() as a field tuple view including year, ..., hour, ... and offset-symbol Z (for UTC-timezone) (footnote: Outside of JSR-310 this is quite common to have a field-based look on such machine times - see for example in Wikipedia or on other sites about TAI and UTC). Once the spec lead S. Colebourne said in a comment on a threeten-github-issue:

"If we were really hard line, the toString of an Instant would simply be the number of seconds from 1970-01-01Z. We chose not to do that, and output a more friendly toString to aid developers, But it doesn't change the basic fact that an Instant is just a count of seconds, and cannot be converted to a year/month/day without a time-zone of some kind."

People can like this design decision or not (like me), but the consequence is that you cannot ask an Instant for year, ..., hour, ... and offset. See also the documentation of supported fields:


Here it is interesting what is missing, above all a zone-related field is missing. As a reason, we often hear the statement that objects like Instant or java.util.Date have no timezone. In my opinion this is a too simplistic view. While it is true that these objects have no timezone state internally (and there is also no need for having such an internal value), those objects MUST be related to UTC timezone because this is the basis of every timezone offset calculation and conversion to local types. So the correct answer would be: An Instant is a machine counter counting the seconds and nanoseconds since UNIX epoch in timezone UTC (per spec). The last part - relationship to UTC zone - is not well specified by JSR-310-team but they cannot deny it. The designers want to abolish the timezone aspect from Instant because it looks human-time-related. However, they can't completely abolish it because that is a fundamental part of any internal offset calculation. So your observation regarding

"Also an Instant.atZone(zone) and an Instant.atOffset(offset) both produce a value that is consistent with treating the Instant as having an implied UTC time-zone/'zero' offset."

is right.

While it might be very intuitive that ZoneOffset.from(anInstant) might produce ZoneOffset.UTC, it throws an exception because its from()-method searches for a non-existent OFFSET_SECONDS-field. The designers of JSR-310 have decided to do that in the specification for the same reason, namely to make people think that an Instant has officially nothing to do with UTC timezone i.e. "has no timezone" (but internally they must accept this basic fact in all internal calculations!).

For the same reason, OffsetDateTime.from(anInstant) and ZoneId.from(anInstant) fail, too.

About ZonedDateTime.from(anInstant) we read:

"The conversion will first obtain a ZoneId from the temporal object, falling back to a ZoneOffset if necessary. It will then try to obtain an Instant, falling back to a LocalDateTime if necessary. The result will be either the combination of ZoneId or ZoneOffset with Instant or LocalDateTime."

So this conversion will fail again due to the same reasons because neither ZoneId nor ZoneOffset can be obtained from an Instant. The exception message reads as:

"Unable to obtain ZoneId from TemporalAccessor: 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z of type java.time.Instant"

Finally we see that all static from()-methods suffer from being unable to do a conversion between human time and machine time even if this looks intuitive. In some cases a conversion between let's say LocalDate and Instant is questionable. This behaviour is specified, but I predict that your question is not the last question of this kind and many users will continue to be confused.

The real design problem in my opinion is that:

a) There should not be a sharp separation between human time and machine time. Temporal objects like Instant should better behave like both. An analogy in quantum mechanics: You can view an electron both as a particle and a wave.

b) All static from()-methods are too public. Ihat is too easily accessible in my opinion and should better have been removed from public API or use more specific arguments than TemporalAccessor. The weakness of these methods is that people can forget to think about related timezones in such conversions because they start the query with a local type. Consider for example: LocalDate.from(anInstant) (in which timezone???). However, if you directly ask an Instant for its date like instant.getDate(), personally I would consider the date in UTC-timezone as valid answer because here the query starts from an UTC perspective.

c) In conclusion: I absolutely share with the JSR-310-team the good idea to avoid conversions between local types and global types like Instant without specifying a timezone. I just differ when it comes to the API-design to prevent users from doing such a timezone-less conversion. My preferred way would have been to restrict the from()-methods rather than saying that global types should not have any relation to human-time-formats like calendar-date or wall-time or UTC-timezone-offset.

Anyway, this (inconsequent) design of separation between machine time and human time is now set in stone due to preserving backward compatibility, and everyone who wants to use the new java.time-API has to live with it.

Sorry for a long answer, but it is pretty tough to explain the chosen design of JSR-310.

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Meno Hochschild Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 10:11

Meno Hochschild