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Java scanner usage with \R pattern (issue with buffer boundary)

Executive summary: Are there any caveats/known issues with \R (or other regex pattern) usage in Java's Scanner (especially regarding internal buffer's boundary conditions)?

Details: Since I wanted to do some multi-line pattern matching on potentially multi-platform input files, I used patterns with \R, which according to Pattern javadoc is:

Any Unicode linebreak sequence, is equivalent to \u000D\u000A|[\u000A\u000B\u000C\u000D\u0085\u2028\u2029]

Anyhow, I noticed in one of my test files that the loop that's supposed to parse a block of a hex-dump was cut short. After some debugging, I noticed that the line that it was ending on was the end of Scanner's internal buffer.

Here's a test program I wrote to simulate the situation:

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

private static void testString(int prefixLen) {
    String suffix = "b\r\nX";
    String buffer = new String(new char[prefixLen]).replace("\0", "a") + suffix;

    Scanner scanner = new Scanner(buffer);
    String pattern = "b\\R";
    System.out.printf("=================\nTest String (Len=%d): '%s'\n'%s' found with horizon=0 (w/o bound): %s\n", buffer.length(), convertLineEndings(
        buffer), pattern, convertLineEndings(scanner.findWithinHorizon(pattern, 0)));
    System.out.printf("'X' found with horizon=1: %b\n", scanner.findWithinHorizon("X", 1) != null);

private static String convertLineEndings(String string) {
    return string.replaceAll("\\n", "\\\\n").replaceAll("\\r", "\\\\r");

... which produces this output (edited for formatting/brevity):

Test String (Len=5): 'ab\r\nX'
'b\R' found with horizon=0 (w/o bound): b\r\n
'X' found with horizon=1: true
Test String (Len=1026): 'a ... ab\r\nX'
'b\R' found with horizon=0 (w/o bound): b\r
'X' found with horizon=1: false

To me, this looks like a bug! I think the scanner should match that suffix with the patterns the same way independent of where they show up in the input text (as long as the prefix doesn't get involved with the patterns). (I have also found possibly relevant Open JDK Bugs 8176407, and 8072582, but this was with regular Oracle JDK 8u111).

But I may have missed some recommendations regarding scanner or particular \R pattern usage (or that Open JDK, and Oracle have identical(??) implementations for relevant classes here?)... hence the question!

like image 585
OzgurH Avatar asked Mar 02 '18 14:03


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1 Answers

I tested this code at Ideone and it's no longer returning "false" on latest versions of Java.


If, however, I were stuck on an old version or one which still exhibits the bug, and I needed a general purpose solution rather than a workaround for this one example, then I might try crafting a regex similar to \R but which forces an extra byte peek in the \r case. Note that the so-called "equivalent" pattern in the documentation is not truly equivalent, because it actually needs to be an atomic grouping. So you might end up with something like this:


like image 108
Patrick Parker Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 07:10

Patrick Parker