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Java Profiler tool on Mac OS X [closed]


I'm developing both a Java app and J2EE webapp using Eclipse Europa on Mac OS X 10.5.8. The webapp provides a RESTful API layer for the Java app I've written. I'm running the webapp using tomcat from inside Eclipse.

It seems like there are some serious performance issues and I would like to use a profiler to narrow down on these problems, but I haven't been able to find anything decent to work with. I've looked at the following options:

  • TPTP, ships with Eclipse: A known bug prevents the profiler from running on Mac :(
  • JProfiler: doesn't have a Mac version
  • Profiler4J: Installed it, but couldn't get it to work
  • Shark: comes with MacOSX, but when I choose "Java Time Profile" and run my webapp, it doesn't allow me to choose any processes to profile
  • Other tools I looked at cost a lot of $$ and this is an open-source project

I've looked through this list: here but there are too many choices and too little time to go through them ALL!!

Does anyone know of an easy-to-use visual Java profiler that actually works on Mac, given my environment? I would love to hear your suggestions.

Thanks a lot guys, Ali

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Ali Avatar asked Nov 02 '09 02:11


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1 Answers

Maybe you could give VisualVM a try, if Java 6 is an option. This nice Setting up Sun's VisualVM on Mac OSX blog post explains how to get it working on Mac OSX.

Or get an open source license for Yourkit which is indeed a very good tool as Malaxeur pointed out.

like image 190
Pascal Thivent Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 12:10

Pascal Thivent