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Java Preferences doesn't work in Windows 7

Recently I build an Java application. I use Java Preferences to store some information. When I ran my application in windows XP, the application run perfectly. I can store information and get the stored information. But when I ran it in Windows 7, Java Preference failed to store the information. Is there any solution?

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Lhuqita Fazry Avatar asked Aug 18 '11 14:08

Lhuqita Fazry

2 Answers

Have you tried it with UAC off?

System preferences can't be set from Java without UAC off or UAC elevation.

Personal/User preferences CAN be.

Edit See my old question at: Is there a system-wide version of the Preferences API?

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Brian Knoblauch Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 14:09

Brian Knoblauch

where do you have these properties files? Isn't the problem just with lack of permissions? I regularly code on Windows Vista and except for occasional problem with permissions everything works as it should.

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jirka.pinkas Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 15:09
