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Java multiple generic collection parameters compile error

So strange! Please have a look the code first:

public class A {}

public class B extends A {}

public class C extends A {}

public class TestMain {

    public <T extends A> void test(T a, T b) {}

    public <T extends A> void test(List<T> a, List<T> b) {}

    public void test1(List<? extends A> a, List<? extends A> b) {}

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new TestMain().test(new B(), new C());
        new TestMain().test(new ArrayList<C>(), new ArrayList<C>());
        new TestMain().test(new ArrayList<B>(), new ArrayList<C>());
        new TestMain().test1(new ArrayList<B>(), new ArrayList<C>());

The statement new TestMain().test(new ArrayList<B>(), new ArrayList<C>()) gets a compilation error:

Bound mismatch: The generic method test(T, T) of type TestMain is not applicable for the arguments (ArrayList<B>, ArrayList<C>). The inferred type ArrayList<? extends A> is not a valid substitute for the bounded parameter <T extends A>


 new TestMain().test(new B(), new C())  --> compiled ok

 new TestMain().test(new ArrayList<C>(), new ArrayList<C>()) --> compiled ok

 new TestMain().test1(new ArrayList<B>(), new ArrayList<C>()) --> compiled ok

If we define the generic before the method name, it seems the type of the second generic List parameter must be the same as that of the first. But there is no restriction if we define generic in parameters.

Is it a feature or a bug of the compile program? Is there some documentation about it?

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Geln Yang Avatar asked May 24 '10 03:05

Geln Yang

1 Answers

There is absolutely no bug; you simply misunderstood the subtyping rules in generics.

Since we have B extends A:

  • B is a subtype of A
  • an instanceof B is also an instanceof A

Since Java arrays are covariant:

  • B[] is a subtype of A[]
  • an instanceof B[] is also an instanceof A[]

However, Java generics are invariant:

  • List<B> is NOT a subtype of List<A>
  • a instanceof List<B> is NOT an instanceof List<A>.

When you have the following generic method declaration:

public <T extends A> void test(List<T> a, List<T> b) 

Then, as it's explicitly stated here, a and b must both have the same type, List<T>, for some capture conversion of type parameter <T extends A>.

Since List<B> and List<C> are two different types, you can't mix them as actual arguments for test. Also, even though B and C are subtypes of A, generics are invariant, so neither List<B> nor List<C> is a List<A>.


test(new ArrayList<B>(), new ArrayList<C>()); // error!!! doesn't compile!!!

doesn't compile, which is expected behavior.

See also

  • Java Tutorials/Generics
    • Subtyping
    • More fun with wildcards
  • JLS 10.10 Array Store Exception and java.lang.ArrayStoreException
    • Java array subtyping, being covariant, is not typesafe; generics, being invariant, is.

Related questions

On generics typing rules:

  • Any simple way to explain why I cannot do List<Animal> animals = new ArrayList<Dog>()?
  • java generics (not) covariance
  • What is a raw type and why shouldn’t we use it?
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On using super and extends:

  • Java Generics: What is PECS?
    • From Effective Java 2nd Edition: "producer extends consumer super"
  • What is the difference between super and extends in Java Generics
  • What is the difference between <E extends Number> and <Number>?
  • How can I add to List<? extends Number> data structures? (YOU CAN'T!)

On actual generic bugs:

  • Generics compiles and runs in Eclipse, but doesn’t compile in javac
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polygenelubricants Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 04:10
