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Java Mobile programming for a beginner, where to start? [closed]

After I downloaded the Google Mail and Google Maps application into my mobile phone I got an idea about a service that I want to implement.

My problem is that I never did any programming for the mobile platform and I need someone to point me out some resources for the Hello World on a mobile and then something a bit more complicated.

Let's make it a bit broad, as in J2ME in general for the moment. I'll dig into Android once I get the non Android/*Berry/etc out of the way.

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Gustavo Carreno Avatar asked Dec 16 '08 16:12

Gustavo Carreno

People also ask

Can we develop mobile App using Java?

Why use Java for mobile development? Java is a versatile and powerful programming language that can be used for developing a wide range of applications. It is platform-independent, which means it can be run on any platform, including Android and iOS.

What is mobile application in Java?

Java script mobile applications are used for web, desktops, mobiles, enterprise servers and many more as its one of the most robust and powerful programming languages which helps in creation of the most interactive and user friendly applications and websites. Java simply works on the concept of class and object.

1 Answers

Clicking here would be a pretty good place to start, it's where the best J2ME programmers have started before you...

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adam Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 21:09
