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Java merge 2 collections in O(1)

I need to be able to merge 2 large collections into 1. Which collection type can I use best? I don't need random access to the individual elements. Usually I'd go for a linkedlist, however I can't merge 2 linkedlist in Java with a runtime of O(1), which could be done in many other languages, since I'll have to copy each element to the new list.

Edit: Thank you for all your answers. Your answers were all very helpful, and I managed to get the job done. Next time I will use my own implementation of a linked list to begin with.

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Tiddo Avatar asked Dec 03 '11 13:12


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1 Answers

You can create a concatenated Iterable view in O(1) using one of Guava's Iterables.concat methods:

Iterable<T> combined = Iterables.concat(list1, list2); 

This will allow you to iterate over all the elements of both lists as one object without copying any elements.

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ColinD Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 12:09
