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Java Map anti-pattern?

Edit: I've gotten a couple of answers that say what I already said in the question. What I am really interested in is finding corroborating reference material.

I am looking at a code sample that more or less follows this pattern:

Map<String, List> getListsFromTheDB() {
  Map<String, List> lists = new HashMap<String, List>();

  //each list contains a different type of object
  lists.put("xList", queryForListOfXItems());
  lists.put("yList", queryForListOfYItems());

  return lists;

void updateLists() {
  Map<String, List> lists = getListsFromTheDB();

My feeling is that this is an anti-pattern. What the coder should have done is create a class which can be returned, like this:

class Result {
  private final List<X> xList;
  private final List<Y> yList;

  public Result(xList, yList) {
    this.xList = xList;
    this.yList = yList;

  public List<X> getXList() { xList; }
  public List<Y> getYList() { return yList; }

This would be more type-safe, avoid over-generalizing a very specific problem, and be less prone to errors at runtime.

Can anyone point me to any authoritative reference material which specifies that you should avoid this kind of pattern? Or, alternately, if it's actually a good pattern, please give justification.

like image 986
RMorrisey Avatar asked Sep 30 '10 00:09


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1 Answers

I think the point is the number of Lists is fixed. Since you ensure the code uses 2 lists, the map is a little bit over-generalizing.

So 'class Result' is better I think.

like image 89
卢声远 Shengyuan Lu Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 14:10

卢声远 Shengyuan Lu