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java inner/outer class questions about outer class private variables access

I have the following java class:

class Outer
    private Integer a;
    private Long b;

    class Inner
        public void foo()
            System.out.println("a and b are " + a + " " + b);

when I run javap on Outer and Outer$Inner, I get the following:

C:\test>javap Outer
Compiled from "Outer.java"
class Outer extends java.lang.Object{
    static java.lang.Integer access$000(Outer);
    static java.lang.Long access$100(Outer);

C:\test>javap Outer$Inner
Compiled from "Outer.java"
class Outer$Inner extends java.lang.Object{    
    final Outer this$0;
    public void foo();

I have two questions:

1) why does java compiler generate static methods that take 'Outer' param, in the outer class, for accessing its private variables ? why not instance methods that the inner class can easily call through its this$0 member ?

2) why is this$0 in inner class made final ? what will happen if it is not final ?

Thanks and regards.

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shrini1000 Avatar asked Feb 04 '10 11:02


People also ask

Can inner class access outer class private variables java?

It can access any private instance variable of the outer class. Like any other instance variable, we can have access modifier private, protected, public, and default modifier. Like class, an interface can also be nested and can have access specifiers.

Can we access to private members of outer class with the concept of inner classes?

If the inner class defined as private and protected, can outer class access the members of inner class? Yes. These qualifiers will only affect the visibility of the inner class in classes that derive from the outer class.

Why can outer java classes access inner class private members?

Given these requirements, inner classes have full access to their outer class. Since they're basically a member of the outer class, it makes sense that they have access to methods and attributes of the outer class -- including privates.

How do you access the variables of an outer class?

You can access the static variable of an outer class just using the class name.

1 Answers

Non-static inner classes have an implicit reference to an instance of the outer class. This is implemented as a final reference to the outer class. If it wasn't final technically it could be modified after instantiation.

The outer class is implicitly passed in which is why any constructors on the inner class have an implicit parameter of the outer class, which is how this$0 is passed in.

Edit: as for the access$000 methods the key clue is that they're package access and they take an Outer as an argument. So when code in Inner calls, say, Inner.this.a it's actually calling Inner.access$000(this$0). So those methods are there to give access to private members of the outer class to the inner class.

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cletus Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 20:10
