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Java inherited return type

I've got a question about return types in inherited methods in Java. I've got a class and an inherited class. In the inherited class, there's a specific method. It also inherits a method from the parent class that returns instance of itself.

I want something like this class hierarchy:

public class Foo {
    public Foo bar()
        return this;

public class FooInherited extends Foo {
    public Whatever baz()
        return new Whatever();

My question is if I can call the inherited method from its instance and then call the specific method without overriding the method to return the inherited class or casting the classes explicitly.

Now I want to have a code fragment like this :

FooInherited foo = new FooInherited();
Whatever w = foo.bar().baz();

I feel a difficulty in this, but I'm not very sure if Java has any time saving mechanism for programmers in such situations.

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Danstahr Avatar asked Oct 26 '12 09:10


2 Answers

You can use generics, but it gets ugly quickly.

class Base<This extends Base<This>> {

    public This myself() {
        return (This) this;


class Sub<This extends Sub<This>> extends Base<This> {

    public void subOnly() {}


    Sub<?> sub = new Sub<>();
    Base<?> base = sub;
    // base.myself().subOnly(); // compile error

The alternative is to override the method explicitly:

class Base {

    public Base myself() {
        return this;


class Sub extends Base {

    public Sub myself() {
        return this; // or return (Sub) super.myself();

    public void subOnly() {}


    Sub sub = new Sub();
    Base base = sub;
    // base.myself().subOnly(); // compile error
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Cephalopod Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 21:09


Unless you override the method in the subclass you will have to cast:

FooInherited foo = new FooInherited();
Whatever w = ((FooInherited)foo.bar()).baz();

However, due to covariant return types in java you can override it like this:

public class FooInherited extends Foo {

        public FooInherited bar()
            return this;

After overriding you no longer have to cast because the static type of foo is FooInherited:

FooInherited foo = new FooInherited();
Whatever w = foo.bar().baz();
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cyon Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 21:09
