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Java: How to reset an arraylist so that it is empty [closed]




I have an arraylist<interface> Objects get added to this list in a for loop. I would like this arraylist to be empty each time the method is called.

Here is the code:

The array I want to empty here is suggestedPhrases.

public List<Interface> returnSuggestedList(String prefix) {

    String tempPrefix = prefix;

   // suggestedPhrases = null;
    //suggestedPhrases = new ArrayList<Interface>();
    //Vector<String> list = new Vector<String>();

    //List<Interface> interfaceList = new ArrayList<Interface>();
    System.out.println("Sorted Vector contains : " + wordsList);
    int i = 0;

    //List<String> selected = new ArrayList<String>();
    for(String w:wordsList){
        if(w.startsWith(prefix.toLowerCase())) { // or .contains(), depending on 
            //selected.add(w);     // what you want exactly 
        Item itemInt = new Item(w);
like image 941
EI756 Avatar asked Oct 06 '11 13:10


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This question already has answers here: And I add all the objects to an ArrayList and then pass it to that method: ArrayList toClean = new ArrayList<Object>(); toClean. add(obj1); toClean. add(obj2); checkAndClean(toClean);

2 Answers

If the array persists across calls to your method (e.g. if it's a member of the class), you can call suggestedPhrases.clear() to clear it.

From your example there's doesn't appear to be any need to persist suggestedPhrases across calls, so you can simply create (and return) a new array list every time your method is called:

public List<Interface> returnSuggestedList(String prefix) {
   ArrayList<Interface> suggestedPhrases = new ArrayList<Interface>();
   // populate suggestedPhrases here
   return suggestedPhrases;
like image 63
NPE Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 12:09


You can call the clear method, but normally I prefer creating a new instance instead of re-using an existing one. The overhead is negligible (except for really performance-critical sections) as today's JVMs can handle object re-allocation quite well.

like image 28
michael667 Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 14:09
