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Java: How to display an XML file in a JTree

I would like to have a way to display the contents of an XML file in a JTree. I have already accomplished this using DOM, by implementing a custom TreeModel (and TreeCellRenderer). However it is very clunky (much workaround-ery and hackery) and rather rough around the edges.

Is anyone aware of a way to get a JTree to display the contents of an XML file, parsed with SAX?


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bguiz Avatar asked Jan 06 '10 08:01


1 Answers

Here's the code that I use. It is based on the API of Dom4J, but you can easily convert it to the APIs of your favorite XML library:

public JTree build(String pathToXml) throws Exception {
     SAXReader reader = new SAXReader();
     Document doc = reader.read(pathToXml);
     return new JTree(build(doc.getRootElement()));

public DefaultMutableTreeNode build(Element e) {
   DefaultMutableTreeNode result = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(e.getText());
   for(Object o : e.elements()) {
      Element child = (Element) o;

   return result;         
like image 127
Itay Maman Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 16:11

Itay Maman