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Java: How to Delete the first occurrence of matching substring between 2 strings?




If I have two strings .. say

string1="Hello dear c'Lint and dear Bob"



I want to Compare the strings and delete the first occurrence of matching substring ..
the result of the above string pairs is:

Hello c'Lint and dear Bob

This is the code I have written which takes input and returns the matching occurence:

System.out.println("Enter your regex: ");
BufferedReader bufferRead = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));

String RegEx = bufferRead.readLine();
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(RegEx);
System.out.println("Enter input string to search: ");
bufferRead = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(bufferRead.readLine());

boolean found = false;
while (matcher.find()) {
    System.out.println("I found the text:\"" + matcher.group() +
            "\" starting at index \'" +
            matcher.start() + 
            "\' and ending at index \'" + 
            matcher.end() + 
like image 914
InfantPro'Aravind' Avatar asked Jan 26 '13 08:01


People also ask

How do you remove the first occurrence of a substring from a string?

Using a Loop to remove the first occurrence of character in String. Create an empty string to store our result and a flag set to False to determine whether we have encountered the character that we want to remove. Iterate through each character in the original string.

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To replace the first occurrence of a character in Java, use the replaceFirst() method.

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To remove a substring from a string, call the replace() method, passing it the substring and an empty string as parameters, e.g. str. replace("example", "") . The replace() method will return a new string, where the first occurrence of the supplied substring is removed.

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Use the replace() method to replace the first occurrence of a character in a string. The method takes a regular expression and a replacement string as parameters and returns a new string with one or more matches replaced. Copied!

1 Answers

You could either use:

string result = string1.replaceFirst(Pattern.quote(string2), "");

Or you could avoid regexes entirely:

int index = string1.indexOf(string2);
if (index == -1)
    // Not found. What do you want to do?
    String result = string1.substring(0, index) + 
                    string1.substring(index + string2.length());

You can report the region here using index and string2.length() very easily. Of course if you want to be able to match regular expression patterns, you should use them.

EDIT: As noted in another answer, both of these will remove "dear" from "and_dear_Bob" leaving "and__Bob" - with the underscores representing spaces. So you'll end up with two spaces between words. And it doesn't force the match to be a whole word, either. It does exactly what you described, but it doesn't give you the result you apparently want.

Edit: First choice of code outputs: Hello c'Lint and dear Bob where Hello and c'Lint have two whitespace character in the middle. While this code:

string result = string1.replaceFirst(Pattern.quote(string2+" "), ""));

gets rid of additional whitespace character.

like image 78
Jon Skeet Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 18:10

Jon Skeet