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Java, Hibernate annotations, How to add methods to POJO object?

I am using hibernate annotations. How to add methods to POJO object? For example i have "getChildNodes" method, associated with database, but i want also add recursive method "getAllChildNodes". I get "org.hibernate.PropertyNotFoundException: Could not find a setter for property progress in class" exception when i do it.

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RussianBear Avatar asked Jun 11 '10 13:06


2 Answers

If I interpret this as "how do I add a method that is NOT related to persistence" then you need to use the @Transient annotation on the getAllChildNodes() method

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Mike Q Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 16:09

Mike Q

There are two ways of defining the structure of your entity.

  • using annotations on the instance variables of your entity or
  • using annotations on the getter methods of your entity

When using the annotations on getter methods, Hibernate assumes that every getXxx (and isXxx for boolean types) represents definition of a persistent property. And this holds even if that particular getter does not contain any annotations, as happens in your case.

Hibernate also expects to find a matching setter method for each persistent property. And in your case that is what's missing and causes the exception.

You can solve this problem by declaring your custom getter as @Transient that says this getter does not represent a persistent property. Another way would be to convert the entity to use annotations on the instance variables. The latter would be my personal choice.

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psp Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 16:09
