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Java, generics does not work




In my opinion it should work, but it does not. Why? Source code:

package javaapplication1;

import java.util.*;

class A
    public static <K,V> Map<K,V> map()
        return new HashMap<K,V>();

class Person {}
class Dog {}

public class JavaApplication1

    static void f(Map<Person, List<? extends Dog>> peopleDogList) {}

    public static void main(String[] args)
        f(A.<Person, List<Dog>>map());

Very simple code. Compiler error: method f in class JavaApplication1 cannot be applied to give types; required: Map<Person, List<? extends Dog> found: Map<Person, List<Dog>> reason: actual arguments Map<Person, List<Dog>> cannot be converted to Map<Person, List<? extends Dog> by method invocation conversion.

Map<Person, List<? extends Dog> is more general, so the compiler should be able to convert?

Also this: Map<Person, List<? extends Dog>> peopleDogList = A.<Person, List<Dog>>map(); does not work. ? extends Dog means object that inherits Dog or Dog, so word Dog should be ok?

like image 398
Pawel Avatar asked Aug 20 '13 23:08


1 Answers

Map<Person, List<Dog>> is not compatible with Map<Person, List<? extends Dog>>. In this case, the map's value type is expected to be List<? extends Dog>, not something that is convertible to same. But if you used Map<Person, ? extends List<? extends Dog>> for f's parameter, it will work.

Here's a simple example involving more basic types:

Map<String, List<?>> foo = new HashMap<String, List<Object>>();         // error
Map<String, ? extends List<?>> foo = new HashMap<String, List<Object>>();  // ok

The OP asks why that behaviour occurs. The simple answer is that type parameters are invariant, not covariant. That is, given a type of Map<String, List<?>>, the map's value type must be exactly List<?>, not something similar to it. Why? Imagine if covariant types were allowed:

Map<String, List<A>> foo = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, List<?>> bar = foo;   // Disallowed, but let's suppose it's allowed
List<B> baz = new ArrayList<>();
baz.add(new B());
bar.put("baz", baz);
foo.get("baz").get(0);            // Oops, this is actually a B, not an A

Oops, the expectation for foo.get("baz").get(0) to be an A is violated.

Now, suppose we do it the correct way:

Map<String, List<A>> foo = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, ? extends List<?>> bar = foo;
List<B> baz = new ArrayList<>();
baz.add(new B());
bar.put("baz", baz);              // Disallowed

There, the compiler caught the attempt to put an incompatible list into foo (via the alias bar). This is why the ? extends is required.

like image 153
Chris Jester-Young Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09

Chris Jester-Young